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Compensation & Benefits

Save on tuition aid by managing colleges like vendors


Most midsize and large employers run their run tuition-assistance benefits more like entitlement programs than strategic investments. They don’t hold schools accountable …

AARP finds Georgia’s work force is getting grayer


Jobs will grow in Georgia over the next two decades, according to a recent report from the AARP, but filling them will be a challenge …

Planning to outsource? Prepare to document solid reasons


Twenty years ago, an employee might have expected his employer to reward long years of service with a secure retirement. That’s no longer the case …

Employees miss meal or rest period? Then you owe extra hour’s pay


Employees who are entitled to a meal period or a rest period under the California Labor Code and who miss out on those benefits now have up to three years (four in some cases) to claim the additional pay the law says they’re entitled to …

Employees can sue directly for unpaid break and lunch bonus


Employers have another new worry concerning wages owed to employees who don’t get their full and uninterrupted lunch or break time …

Employees Must File Discrimination Cases Within 180 Days


Two recent court decisions—one by the U.S. Supreme Court and another by  a Georgia court—mean employers may soon see a spike in lawsuits brought by employees rushing to meet a 180-day deadline for filing discrimination claims.

Paying exempt employees for travel time


Q. We sometimes send exempt employees to conferences. Do we have to pay for travel time? Can we voluntarily pay them extra if the travel time extends into the evening or weekend, or will that destroy their exempt status?

Overtime for drive to remote worksite?


Q. We required three hourly employees to drive 15 hours to an out-of-state warehouse to do finishing work and only paid them for eight hours of straight time. They worked a 40 hour week, made the drive on a Saturday, worked in the warehouse Sunday through Wednesday, then made the 15-hour return drive on Thursday and reported to work on Friday. Someone at the Labor Department told me that since the drive extended past their regular workday, we were required to pay for 15 hours, and it probably should have been overtime. Is that correct?

Employees must file discrimination cases within 180 days


The U.S. Supreme Court handed employers a major victory in a new 5-4 ruling. No longer will you have to worry that an employment decision you made years — even decades — earlier will come back to haunt you …

Gone but not forgetting: Illegals sue for back wages


Illegal immigrants working for Rosenbaum-Cunningham International (RCI), a janitorial contractor based in Palm Beach, FL, have filed a federal lawsuit seeking back wages for work they did in restaurants in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and other cities …