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Compensation & Benefits

Status of Domestic-Partner Benefits in Michigan


Q. In November 2006, Michigan passed a constitutional amendment that prohibits the state from recognizing non-marital unions. We have employees who are seeking health insurance benefits for their domestic partners, who are of the same sex. Does the Michigan constitution preclude us from agreeing to provide health insurance for our employees and their domestic partners?—L.S.

Injury that occurs on way to time clock is covered by workers’ comp


If you haven’t checked for obstructions, hazards or other safety problems around the company time clock or on the way to it, you should. Check the lunchroom for hazards, too. Ohio’s workers’ compensation law covers employees who are injured while on their way to clock in or out, or while on unpaid breaks or at lunch

Boot rest: $5. Disability lawsuit: $272,500.


Chester Hoist, headquartered in Lisbon, will pay $272,000 for discriminating against an inspector who was disabled on the job. …

Workers’ Comp: Ohio’s Top Court Says ‘Tough Luck’ to Safety Slackers


The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that employees who fail to follow safety instructions abandon their jobs in doing so and are not covered by workers’ compensation. While this may save employers some workers’ comp dollars in the short-term, it complicates the future of workers’ comp as the exclusive remedy for injured workers

New worry: Maintain security or face lawsuits from injured rescuers, too


As if you didn’t have enough to worry about in this day and age of workplace violence, now the New Jersey Supreme Court has added another problem: You must make sure you take reasonable measures to provide a safe workplace, or police and firefighters responding to an emergency can sue your company for damages

With such great insurance, too bad it’s not a real company


New Jersey-based Nassau Employee Benefits Trust (NEBT) had some great health insurance products. There was just one problem: NEBT wasn’t licensed

Consider consulting an attorney before stating why you terminated an employee


If you’re about to fire an employee for misconduct, think about consulting an attorney before you commit the reason to writing. Sometimes no reason is better than one that could trigger a discrimination lawsuit

Bogus company prompts question: Are you sure you’re insured?


The Pennsylvania Insurance Department has ensured payment of roughly $1 million in health claims that were never covered by insurance. The department broke up an insurance scheme by Nassau Employment Benefits Trust

Does health insurance discriminate against single or childless workers?


Q. My company pays health insurance for all spouses, children and domestic partners of my co-workers. I am single and don’t have children or a domestic partner. Am I being discriminated against since they receive more benefits than I do?

Three workers’ compensation bills pass Texas House


On March 22, three workers’ compensation bills sponsored by state Rep. Helen Giddings passed the full House …