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Compensation & Benefits

Employee running errand still covered by comp


The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled that a construction superintendent killed in an auto accident was covered by workers’ compensation benefits, even though he was on leave to run personal errands at the time of the crash …

Georgia State Health Benefits Plan battles with program vendor


Two-and-a-half years and $7.2 million into its contract with New York-based Vitech Systems Group, an employee benefits system provider, the state of Georgia is looking for a refund …

Grappling With the ‘Uncharted Territory’ of N.J. Civil-Union Law


The New Jersey law that grants all the rights and responsibilities of marriage to civil-union couples has plunged employers and employees into a legal quagmire …

Big verdict for shallow pockets: Passaic workers to pay $2.6 million


When Michigan-based Masco Corp. closed its Bath Unlimited plant in Passaic and laid off more than 115 employees, 86 of them filed workers’ compensation claims. Masco smelled a rat, and took an unusual step

Cigna fined for steering employers wrong on HMO changes


The New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance has fined Cigna HealthCare of New Jersey and Connecticut General Life $2.1 million for deceiving employers, and ordered Cigna to restore better coverage to 2,123 small businesses

It’s final: Non-Lawyer reps OK at unemployment comp hearings


After years of litigation and legislation, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has finally put the issue to rest: Employers are free to represent themselves or hire a non-attorney advisor to present their case when an employee wants an unemployment compensation hearing …

Employee hurt in pre-Employment screening gets disability comp


An employee who was injured by a blood pressure cuff during a pre-employment physical will receive total disability benefits from Virginia-based General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems, the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board has ruled

Pa. Supreme Court: Employers free to go it alone on UC appeals


Thanks to a recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling, employers may now attend unemployment compensation appeals hearings without an attorney. The court overturned a 2005 Commonwealth Court ruling …

Governor pushing prescription for Pennsylvania


Gov. Ed Rendell has been traveling the state selling his plan to make health care available and affordable for all Pennsylvanians. The plan—introduced in the House of Representatives as House Bill 700—proposes a program called Cover All Pennsylvanians (CAP)

Use workers’ compensation policy checklist to avoid retaliation lawsuits


Texas, like many states, makes it illegal to retaliate against employees who file workers’ compensation claims. To avoid such a lawsuit, make sure managers and supervisors treat injured workers fairly