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Great! You have an anti-harassment policy; now make sure all your employees can use it


Your organization probably has policies prohibiting sexual harassment, and you probably offer training for supervisors and employees alike on how the policy works. But that simply isn’t enough. What really matters is what happens once an employee picks up the phone or stops by HR to discuss potential sexual harassment.

Required by law or not, make harassment training mandatory


Although California, Connecticut and Maine are the only states with laws requiring workplace harassment training for supervisors, employers in other states have followed their lead in an effort to reduce liability for ill-informed behavior of employees, decrease the cost of litigating complaints of harassment and create a more hospitable work environment.

EEOC targets teen harassment; Ruby Tuesday pays $255,000


The Ruby Tuesday casual dining chain has agreed to pay $255,000 to a group of teenage girls who worked at its East Stroudsburg restaurant after the EEOC filed a lawsuit accusing a manager there of sexual harassment.

Settlement ends bias suit against Wyomissing company


Wyomissing-based industrial fastener and tool maker SFS Intec has agreed to settle an EEOC discrimination lawsuit arising at a plant in Ohio. Two Hispanic employees complained of being denied training opportunities that were open to non-Hispanics.

Medina company settles national-origin EEOC case


Industrial fastener and tool manufacturer SFS Intec has agreed to settle an EEOC discrimination lawsuit arising at its Medina plant. Two Hispanic employees complained of being denied training opportunities that were open to non-Hispanics.

Who’s your Gladys? Give employees the power to solve tough customer problems


The recession has caused the rise of a new class of “hypersensitive consumers.” Here’s how to turn those disgruntled clients into your biggest champions. Hint: Employee training plays a big role.

Justify why some got training, while others didn’t


Training opportunities at work must be available to all employees regardless of race, ethnicity, religion and so forth. That doesn’t mean, however, that everyone who wants to take a particular training course must get the opportunity. Employers can base training opportunities on the critical need for some employees to get the training.

Age discrimination alert: Beware using high training costs as excuse to deny promotion


We all know that it costs money to train employees—and that turnover after investing in advanced training is a genuine and expensive problem. That doesn’t mean employers can get away with refusing to train someone approaching retirement age. That may be seen as age discrimination.

As boomers gray, Minnesota employers could see silver lining


With so many companies focused on downsizing to contain costs in a down economy, many employers have failed to prepare for a pending change that will significantly alter workforce demographics. Beginning in 2011, the first of the baby boomers will turn 65. As the rest of the roughly 70 million baby boomers follow, we’ll see a major shift in the age of our society—and our workforces. This shift will have a significant impact on employers.

Track older workers’ training opportunities


Technology changes fast, and so do the skills employees need to succeed in their jobs. But some employees don’t feel comfortable taking the steps needed to adapt. If those employees happen to be older and you end up having to replace them, you could face an age discrimination lawsuit. You can avoid such lawsuits with a good skill-building plan …