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Explain why employee didn’t receive training

Employers should be careful to design training programs that make training opportunities available for all. But sometimes, an employee won’t be able to participate in training. In those cases, be prepared to explain why.

Train & track: The secret to preventing and beating harassment lawsuits

Employers aren’t required to prevent every moment of harassment in their workplaces—just to stop har­­assment whenever it occurs and to take reasonable preventive steps. Two of those: Providing anti-harassment training to every employee and tracking who gets that training.

Container Store takes 260 hours to train each new hire


One of the Container Store Group’s “foundation principles” is “1 = 3”—one great employee equals three good ones when it comes to productivity. And the 63-store chain only hires about 3% of all who apply. Then, it pays them 50% to 100% more than its competitors, and spends at least 260 hours training each new employee.

Use split-sample tests to gain backing for HR

Say you want to implement a new training program for sales reps. But every time you propose a new HR initiative like this, executives question whether it can work or say the company can’t afford it. Next time, take a different approach: split-sample testing.

Everyone’s business: Teach staff the ABCs of customer service

Many of your employees have to deal with customers, even if it’s only occasionally. Here is a 26-step primer to help your employees understand what it takes to not only hang on to customers, but leave them with a positive impression of your business.

Want to muzzle all workplace gossip? Use training, not a blanket no-gossip policy


You may not like the idea of em­­ployees grousing to each other in the breakroom about their knucklehead managers or the new health care plan. But don’t try to silence such behavior with a broad no-gossip policy. As this new case shows, you could run afoul of the NLRA.

Remind supervisors: They can be held personally liable for many work-related problems


Quite often, employees’ attorneys make sure supervisors are separately charged and individually liable. Cite this trend during training to instill in your managers and supervisors that they need to follow the professional advice HR provides—or else face the consequences.

Want staff loyalty? Get a company dog! … and include loyalty in employee training


You may think that employees understand their obligations when they sign noncompete and nonsolicitation agreements designed to prevent them from jumping ship and stealing your clients. Don’t make that assumption. Instead, include loyalty training in your orientation programs.

Constructive Discharge


HR Law 101: Some supervisors try to skirt the whole issue of firing someone by resorting to constructive discharge. Their logic: If we make an employee’s time at work so intolerable, he or she will choose to resign. That’s an unwise strategy …

Free college HR courses: No cost, no credit, just wisdom


You don’t need to enroll in college to take undergraduate and graduate HR courses that enhance your knowledge and career. Universities and other sources offer free online courses through OpenCourseWare websites. Here’s a rundown of some sources and HR courses: