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DOL offers A-to-Z guidance

Tired of all the acronyms and jargon of U.S. employment law and everything else that has to do with labor and the workplace?

How employers support employee career development

Most employers are willing to pay for these kinds of professional and career development activities, according to the Society for Human Resource Management’s 2014 Employee Benefits survey.

4 steps to get more from high-potential employees

Many companies are focusing more effort on developing “HiPos,” but simply offering a HiPo program doesn’t guarantee business success.

Medical flight service cross-trains all staff

Whether an employee of Angel MedFlight Worldwide Air Ambulance is a pilot, a medic or an HR director, he or she has a working knowledge of all of those jobs.

PwC starts early to train women for leadership

PwC started priming its future workforce by inviting female college students to participate in a forum on women’s leadership in April.

What kinds of financial education programs do employers provide?

57% of employers provide some kind of financial education to their employees. Here’s where those programs focus.

Hacking employees’ passwords: As simple as 1 2 3 4 5 6

If your employees are using 123456 as their passwords to company data, they’re a hacker’s dream—and they’re not very unique.

Self-test: How well do you keep employees on task?

Workplace surveys suggest that employees waste up to one full day of every workweek—up to nine weeks a year—with unproductive time. While some of the blame lies with inefficient or unmotivated employees, some can be chalked up to decisions made (or not made) by managers.

Avoid the 10 reasons most workplace training fails

Organizations waste most of the time and money they spend on training because most rely on outdated training ideas and boring methods.

Who’s in charge of implementing corporate diversity initiatives?

HR is responsible for running most American employers’ diversity initiatives, according to a new survey by the Society for Human Resource Management.