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Growing HR legal risk: Training discrimination


Employees are entitled to a workplace free of discrimination. That includes having equal access to training. In recent months, several lawsuits have been triggered because supervisors allegedly favored certain employees for training opportunities at the expense of other employees who belong to a protected category.

The 7 biggest triggers to age bias claims … and how to avoid them


The ADEA makes it illegal to discriminate against people age 40 and older in hiring, terminations, pay, promotions, benefits and any other terms of employment. Here are the key areas where age bias claims typically pop up:

Preparing your workplace for a possible H1N1 flu pandemic


This spring’s swine flu scare might have been just a warm-up act for a far more serious flu pandemic this fall. If you took steps to prepare your workplace for an outbreak in April, dust off those plans and check them against our list of things to do to make sure your organization keeps running in the coming months.

Chicago hotel to pay $90,000 to settle disability bias case


Swissotel has entered into a settlement agreement after the EEOC alleged supervisors at the Swissotel Chicago harassed a developmentally disabled employee. According to the suit, hotel managers called the worker “retard” and ultimately fired him because of his disability.

Problem Solved: Real People … Real Comp & Benefits Solutions, Sept. ’09


This month’s collection of real-world quick tips from American business leaders, brought to you by members of The Alternative Board.

Productivity plus: Retool with new Internet Explorer tricks


Move over, Google. Microsoft grabs tech headlines this month by adding zippy new features to its Internet Explorer browser. Here are four cool tricks that will save time for you and your employees.

The best way to end hostile environment suits: Train bosses what to do when worker complains


Some employees are more sensitive to potential sexual harassment than others. What some might disregard as innocent flirtation, others might consider an unwelcome come-on. Courts often throw out harassment suits that start that way, but why tempt fate—or spend time and money defending yourself?

Train front-desk workers what to do with legal papers


It happens all the time: An employee sues and the papers show up at the front desk. Unless the employee on duty knows what to do with legal documents, you may lose valuable time preparing a response. Make sure everyone knows exactly where to send legal paperwork.

Warn bosses: Pregnancy plans talk is off-limits


Are some of your organization’s supervisors still stuck in the Dark Ages when it comes to attitudes about pregnancy, childbirth and child care? If so, your organization may be a few off-base questions away from triggering a discrimination lawsuit. Remind managers and supervisors to keep their opinions on mothers and motherhood to themselves.

Cover retaliation in all supervisory training


Punishing an employee for complaining about discrimination is retaliation even if it turns out that whatever the employee was complaining about wasn’t discrimination. That’s why you should include information on avoiding any form of retaliation in all your training programs.