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HR Management

Listen for hints about illness … they may be FMLA notice


The FMLA’s notice provision requires employees, to be eligible for FMLA leave, to let their employers know that they suffer from a serious health condition. Merely telling a supervisor “I’m sick” doesn’t cross to the threshold of a legitimate FMLA notice. But it’s important for supervisors to know that employees, on the other hand, don’t need to say something as explicit as “I need FMLA leave because I have X illness” …

‘He said, she said’: Train staff in conflict resolution


What’s a manager to do when faced with conflicting accounts of an argument between employees? An important part of that answer is to resolve it quickly, before the dispute spreads like a cancer through your organization …

Warn bosses: Don’t speculate on workers’ medical limits


Supervisors and HR professionals must avoid stereotyping employees who have medical problems and never make assumptions about workers’ abilities to perform the job. Making uninformed comments about physical ailments is a quick way to land in court

Are overweight employees due ‘disability’ rights?


Americans are a well-fed bunch, as statistics show, and now many overweight employees cite their extra baggage as a legally protected “disability.” The good news: Employees carry a heavy burden of proof, especially in the 2nd Circuit

Melville benefits firm settles father/son harassment lawsuit


Melville-based Comprehensive Benefits Consultants will pay $150,000 to four former employees who alleged the company’s owner and his son subjected them to name-calling, sexual jokes, hugging and grabbing …

Separate wheat from chaff: 21 smart interview questions


HR professionals often play it ultra-safe in interviewing. For fear of asking unusual, inappropriate or even illegal questions, they stick to bland, scripted queries that don’t draw applicants out of their comfort zone. That’s a sure path to hiring failure

More civility in workplace = fewer lawsuits


Happy employees are far less likely to sue. And the secret to creating happy employees typically isn’t related to more pay or exotic perks. It’s more about creating an atmosphere of trust, appreciation and mutual respect …

Training tips from a training pro


Make sure that whenever you train new hires, your words stick like glue. Use these tips offered by professional trainer Bob Pike.

‘Gift of time’ benefits: Nice perk, but consider safety, too


To thank employees for working 10-hour days during the busy tax season, RSM McGladrey gives them back some of their time: four hours of it, to be exact …

Become better at tooting your own horn


Create a “brag bag,” a running collection of stories about your work accomplishments and interests …