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Courts are beginning to toss employees’ covid vaccination lawsuits

Most plaintiffs haven’t gotten in front of a court yet. But one group of plaintiffs in Texas did and their case was dismissed. That’s good news if you’re thinking of requiring employees to get their shots before coming back to work.

Revise policies to protect health, encourage taking sick leave

Now that the pandemic is ebbing and more workers are coming back into the office or resuming retail and restaurant jobs, it may be time to revisit your sick-leave policies. While coronavirus infections are on the decline, more familiar illnesses are starting to return.

OSHA revises covid guidance to protect unvaccinated workers

OSHA scrapped plans to issue a broad emergency temporary standard for covid-safety practices. A new ETS focuses narrowly on measures to protect workers in health care environments.

Snapshot: The next wave of employment law risks

Employers worry the transition back to normal from a pandemic footing will pose legal risks, but other issues loom as well.

8 red flags that signal a toxic hybrid workplace

Hybrid work is the logical outcome of last year’s great work-from-home experiment, and 83% of workers now view it as optimal. But organizational missteps can turn a hybrid workplace into a toxic culture if they’re not carefully managed.

HR can help prevent ransomware hacks

The cost of recovering from a ransomware attack has more than doubled in the last year, according to leading cybersecurity provider Sophos. HR is one of many functions that have a role to play in anticipating and preventing ransomware hacks.

Consider paying back employees’ PPE costs

Responding to the coronavirus pandemic added unexpected line items to many employers’ budgets. But what about expenses employees incurred? If you required employees to wear masks, face shields or other personal protective equipment, you should consider reimbursing them.

Lawsuit claims retaliation for raising coronavirus concerns

The U.S. Department of Labor is suing a New York City community health center and its CEO after they suspended and later fired an employee who reported coronavirus-related safety hazards.

Address staff anxiety over relaxed mask rules

When the Centers for Disease Control announced in mid-May that people who are fully vaccinated against covid-19 do not need to wear masks in public, many businesses were caught flat-footed.

Firm threatens lawsuits over vaccine mandates

Despite EEOC guidance that employers may require employees to be vaccinated against covid-19, only 49.9% of Americans had received at least one shot as of June 2. About 13% of Americans say they will refuse to be vaccinated under any circumstances, according to the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation.