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HR Management

Don’t use discipline system to settle old scores


Do you have a progressive disciplinary system? Don’t short-circuit it!

Working-conditions study presents compliance tune-up opportunity


According to a recent working-conditions survey, many employers are not doing the routine maintenance they should to keep their labor and employment compliance in tip-top shape. There’s no guarantee that tuning up your workplace policies like you do your car will avoid lawsuits. But, some routine preventive maintenance will go a long way to ensuring better compliance and fewer problems.

Confidentiality depends on good e-mail policy


Employers that don’t enforce reasonable e-mail and computer-access policies—consider yourselves warned. Without such policies and practices, you won’t be able to use the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to punish employees who send information through your system to other persons or computers.

Review policies so voluntary benefits don’t become mandates


Can an employer that has fewer than 50 employees within 75 miles of the company’s work site willingly yet unwittingly be bound to provide its employees with FMLA rights and benefits? Maybe so. In Reaux v. Infohealth Management Corp., a federal judge recently ruled that employers that are not otherwise required to provide FMLA leave could wind up subjecting themselves to the FMLA by promising it to employees.

DHS is cracking down — follow these I-9 best practices


Times are changing in the world of workplace immigration law. Employers now have to complete a new version of the I-9 Form. The feds just launched “a bold new audit initiative” to punish employers who hire illegals. And starting Sept. 8, thousands of federal contractors are required to use the electronic E-Verify system. Result: a greater risk for immigration-related trouble than ever before …

Banning Twitter/Facebook now the majority HR policy


More than half (54%) of chief information officers nationwide say their companies don’t allow employees to access social networking sites for any reason while at work, according to a new Robert Half Technology survey. A separate CareerBuilder survey found that 45% of employers report using social networking sites to screen candidates—more than double the number from a year ago.

Survey: Half of workers say ‘no’ to management ranks


Think your next generation of managers will come from your rank-and-file workers? Don’t be so sure. Surprisingly, 49% of employees with the experience to become managers say they don’t want any part of a managerial role. Why?

New rules ban texting while driving


President Obama is using the White House bully pulpit to tackle a growing danger: sending, receiving and reading text messages while driving. A new policy bans texting while driving for federal workers, as more states move to make the practice illegal. Find out what the laws are where your organization does business.

Letterman case spotlights boss-employee relationships


Late-night talk show host David Letterman came under fire earlier this month after admitting—to ward off a blackmail plot—that he’d had sexual relationships with several female staff members. While Letterman is unlikely to make any Top 10 Lists of good bosses, does his misbehavior rise to the level of sexual harassment? And what’s the lesson from all of this?

8 lessons you can learn from the fed’s top agencies


Set aside any notions you might have that the federal bureaucracy is inherently dysfunctional. In fact, Uncle Sam’s best agencies have a thing or two to teach private-sector employers. Here are eight lessons employers can learn from the biennial agency-by-agency ranking of federal employers by the Partnership for Public Service and American University’s Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation.