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HR Management

Age discrimination alert: Beware using high training costs as excuse to deny promotion


We all know that it costs money to train employees—and that turnover after investing in advanced training is a genuine and expensive problem. That doesn’t mean employers can get away with refusing to train someone approaching retirement age. That may be seen as age discrimination.

Free HR forms: Termination checklist


HR Specialist: Premium Plus subscribers have access to more than 70 attorney-approved HR forms and documents—including this checklist designed to help you track the dozens of details that need to be managed when an employee quits or is terminated. Feel free to adapt it for use in your organization.

Hand-helds, laptops and ‘friending’: Managing the new culture clash


Technology is blurring the lines between work and leisure and revealing real tensions between Gen Y, Gen X and baby boomer employees. The generations have very different ideas about what is and isn’t an appropriate use of technology in the office. Here’s one simple solution for bridging the gap.

‘No texting while driving,’ Obama tells federal staff, as more states outlaw texting for all drivers


President Obama last month signed an executive order that directs federal employees “not to engage in text messaging while driving government-owned vehicles; when using electronic equipment supplied by the government while driving; or while driving privately owned vehicles when they’re on official government business.”

Use clear criteria to ensure bias-free hiring


Judges rarely second-guess the decisions of employers that use reasonable methods to hire or promote the best candidates. By using objective criteria and documenting the selection process, savvy employers win most cases.

Should we change our policy to require that all harassment complaints be made in writing?


Q. Our new plant manager wants me to revise our sexual harassment policy to require employees to submit complaints in writing. He says this will formalize the procedure and help ensure that only valid complaints are filed. I don’t think this is a good idea. Is it?

OSHA proposes $237,500 in fines against refinery


OSHA last month announced it has issued $237,500 in proposed penalties against a Big Springs oil refinery accused of cutting corners on safety. The fines will be levied against Alon USA after an OSHA inspection found numerous safety violations.

As boomers gray, Minnesota employers could see silver lining


With so many companies focused on downsizing to contain costs in a down economy, many employers have failed to prepare for a pending change that will significantly alter workforce demographics. Beginning in 2011, the first of the baby boomers will turn 65. As the rest of the roughly 70 million baby boomers follow, we’ll see a major shift in the age of our society—and our workforces. This shift will have a significant impact on employers.

Vermont company helps pay for employees’ solar panels


Employees of Waterbury, Vt.-based Green Mountain Coffee Roasters are going green at home—and their employer is helping them pay for it. The specialty coffee company is the first organization to participate in the groSolar Employee Green Benefits Program, which offers group discounts on solar power systems for employees.

Do we need a ‘HIPAA form’ for personal information unrelated to employees’ health?


Q. I’d like to know if our company needs a HIPAA form for employees to sign when we release personal information to others. Is HIPAA only for the medical field?