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HR Management

Post-injury headaches may leave you on hook indefinitely

If a worker who was hurt at work can find a doctor to testify that subsequent debilitating headaches were caused by the work injury, you can expect to continue making disability payments for a long time.

Think odd employee might benefit from mental exam? Talk to a lawyer first

Let’s face it: Some employees are a bit strange. Sometimes, their behavior may even be an indication of serious mental health problems. But before you rush to demand the employee get counseling or see a doctor, remember that the ADA prohibits such requests unless there is a clear business necessity for the exam.

Spring cleaning: It’s time to freshen up those job descriptions


There’s a good chance that what your employees actually do every day has little in common with what’s written in their job descriptions. That’s a problem. Inaccurate or in­­complete job descriptions can cause legal liability for ­­employers.

Employee documents: What to keep, what to toss

Is the paper piling up in your office and in need of a big spring cleaning? Before managers start tossing documents in the circular file, they need to know which employee-related paperwork must be saved—and for how long.

Should I register for online access so I can monitor employee’s social media activity?

Q. An employee has brought to my attention that another employee seems to be spending much of the workday posting to a social media site … Apparently, the website doesn’t require being someone’s “friend” to see their social media activity. Is it OK if I sign up with the site to monitor his use?

Prepare now for the data breach that will inevitably hit you

Most companies maintain large amounts of data about their employees, some of which may be considered personally identifiable information. It must be carefully guarded to ensure employee privacy and prevent identity theft. You must understand the relevant laws and your obligations to protect employee data.

4 steps to link variable pay with performance

Bonuses are back, according to research conducted by the Hay Group. But with a pragmatic nod to today’s austere business environment, employers are taking a hard look at why they’re dishing out variable pay, what they want it to accomplish and how they decide who gets how much.

Operate in several states? Beware arbitration pacts referencing states other than California

Employers that do business in several states often have a single employee handbook covering all workers at all locations. If that de­­scribes your organization, be careful about how you handle details like arbitration agreements.

Telework not working? Repair, don’t reject

If your organization’s telework program has hit a snag, try repairing it before you abandon it. Otherwise, you could face fallout from unhappy former telecommuters. They’ll either look for another flex-friendly employer or—worse—bring hard feelings with them when they report to the office.

Use chemicals? Heed new training, labeling rules

OSHA has released two new compliance assistance tools to help employers meet requirements of the agency’s revised Hazard Communication Standard.