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HR Management

What should an anti-violence policy include?

Q. We do not have a workplace violence policy and would like to prepare one. What should we include in the policy?

How should we go about reviewing our violence-prevention program?

Q. We’re re-examining our workplace violence-­prevention strategies. What guidance is available to employers?

Gospel truth: You must accommodate employees’ religious needs

Charges of religious discrimination filed with the EEOC have increased steadily in recent years. One recent case provides a powerful reminder that employers are obligated to reasonably accommodate an employee’s religious beliefs and practices.

No requirement to break up love triangles–but be prepared for workplace violence


When romance blooms at work, trouble may lurk not far behind. That’s especially true when co-workers fight over the same love interest. A spurned employee may be out to get her rival, leading to all sorts of conflict. Fortunately, this isn’t the sort of thing that employers have to intervene in—as long as there’s no workplace violence.

How to help employees understand the value of their benefits


Boosting your benefits communication during lean economic times can help your organization retain good employees and ease their worries so they can focus on work. The key: Show employees the value of their benefits.

Has your organization ever been sued by a current or former worker over an employment law dispute? If so, what happened?

Knock on wood: Half of our readers say they’ve stayed out of court.

Tiny tech budget? Try mobile comp and benefits apps

Human resources departments with small budgets can turn to a growing variety of free and low-cost mobile and web-based applications to increase efficiency and cut costs. The apps are available in several areas of HR, including hiring, benefits, attendance and performance reviews.

7 comp questions you must be able to answer

For everything else that contributes to employee satisfaction, most people wouldn’t do their jobs free. Compensation is a critical tenet of the employment contract. If you’re committed to attracting and retaining excellent employees, you had better be prepared to answer these questions about your compensation practices.

Your next career move: Field HR or corporate HR?


Field HR or corporate HR: Neither career path is necessarily better; each has its own challenges and rewards. But there are important differences between the two that influence your career direction. Knowing those distinctions is a key step in any HR job move …

Employers don’t have to be right–just honest

Here’s something to remember the next time you agonize over discharging an employee for breaking a rule: While you should treat all employees honestly, you don’t have to conduct a mini trial to determine “guilt.” It’s enough to believe you had a legitimate reason to fire the employee—even if it later turns out you were wrong.