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HR Management

The HR I.Q. Test: January ’12

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, compensation and benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz.

HR salaries: It pays to specialize

Organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of human resources and its strategic role in helping recruit, develop, and reward talent. In turn, salaries and the opportunity to earn incentives have increased for HR professionals, according to a report by Culpepper Compensation Surveys & Services. Here is Culpepper’s anaylsis of the report …

Small tech budget? Try tapping into HR apps


Human resources departments with small budgets can turn to a growing variety of free and low-cost mobile and web-based applications to increase efficiency and cut costs. Here’s a sampling of what’s available:

Now’s the time to bullet-proof your employee handbook

An employee handbook can be the foundation of employee performance and a shield against lawsuits, or it can be a ticking time bomb that confuses employees and strips away your legal defenses. It all depends on how well it’s written and put to use. Set aside an hour this week to review your handbook.

What HR pros must know about protecting trade secrets

When any valued employee leaves, the company experiences a loss. The loss is greater, however, when the former employee departs to work for a competitor and begins using the company’s confidential information or trade secrets. HR has a key role to play in protecting a company’s proprietary information. Here’s how to do it.

Will your organization add employees in 2012?

More than 60% of poll respondents say their organizations will add staff this year.

Politics around the watercooler: Can you discipline ‘overly political’ workers?


While today’s Iowa caucuses feel like the end of a long campaign season, it’s really just the beginning of a heated political year … one that could spill over into your workplace. Follow these tips for handling political activity in your workplace and employees’ political advocacy outside of work.

Alert bosses: Email can and will be used against you in court


You’ve told managers before, now tell ’em again: Email may seem like private communication, but it really isn’t. Anything a manager says in an email may become evidence in a lawsuit.

10 HR mistakes your employee’s lawyer will try to exploit

If you’re ever hauled into court to testify in a lawsuit against your organization, what you say, and how you say it, can sink your defense—or help you win. Here are the 10 weaknesses you must be prepared to defend:

Settlement reached in deaths at Mount Carroll grain elevator

The operator of a Mount Carroll grain elevator has settled U.S. Department of Labor charges it that broke federal child labor laws when it allowed a 14-year-old to work in a hazardous job that proved fatal.