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HR Management

Set policies to rein in 4 holiday headaches

The period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day typically finds employees distracted, absent or doing things that require extra HR scrutiny. Head off problems by anticipating them and clarifying your policies.

Trade Secrets


HR Law 101: There are two important reasons you need to protect your company’s trade secrets: (1) You make it less likely that confidential information will be misappropriated. (2) It will be easier for you to seek relief in court if your secrets are stolen …  


From locker room to boardroom, NFL scandal heightens bullying awareness

Thanks to several high-profile news stories lately, your employees are becoming more aware of the pervasiveness of workplace bullying—plus the potential legal options that bullied workers can take. What does this mean for HR?

Strike down the hidden tyranny of pay for performance

Rewarding your company’s star employees with the heftiest pay raises might not be enough to keep them from looking to jump ship if you expect them to take up the slack of associates who do the bare minimum.

HR CSI: Solving ‘he said/she said’ mysteries

What do you do when faced with two employees who have entirely different views about how an incident occurred? Such contrasting accounts—“No I didn’t!”, “Yes, he did!”—can sometimes leave HR professionals paralyzed and afraid to pull the trigger on discipline.

Should we use arbitration agreements to help resolve employment disputes?

In California, companies adopting arbitration agreements face a number of difficult decisions in crafting their agreements to ensure that they will be enforceable while also maximizing the benefits of arbitration.

Received EEOC subpoena? Respond now!

Here’s an important warning: If the EEOC mails your company a subpoena for information about a pending investigation, you have just days to object—or you’ll lose the right to do so. That’s why you absolutely need a clear process for immediately getting the subpoena to your attorney.

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’13

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

7 questions to ask about your year-end bonus plan

If your company will hand out holiday bonuses this year, do it with purpose. Here are seven questions to ask before you start writing the checks.

ACA SHOPs postponed one year, HHS urges using brokers instead

Small business owners won’t be able go online to buy health insurance for their employees until November 2014. Meanwhile, the Department of Health and Human Services suggests doing it the old-fashioned way—through a broker.