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HR Management

C-Suite still a boys’ club

Women wield more power than ever, but progress at the highest echelons of the corporate world has lagged.

Cost of employee pilferage dwarfs shoplifting losses

The average dishonest retail employee caught stealing in 2012 was trying to walk out with $715 worth of merchandise. That’s far more than run-of-the-mill shoplifters take.

Union president in Longview sentenced for embezzlement

A federal judge has sentenced the former president of GMP Allied Workers Local 284 to 12 months and one day in prison after he pleaded guilty to embezzlement charges. The union official admitted taking $124,181 from the Longview-based local between 2000 and 2011.

Holiday parties: 10 tips reduce legal liability

Planning this year’s holiday party? These tips will help keep spirits bright while lessening liability—often alcohol-related—that could arise:

PTO banks take off

Paid time off—vacation, sick and personal days all in one plan—is now the most common form of paid leave.

Factor disabled employee needs into planning for natural disasters

When disaster strikes, smart employers have contingency plans in place to keep the business running. Such plans need to account for the kind of emergency facing the organization—and how it will handle the needs of disabled employees during and after the disaster.

Whoa! Never saw that one coming! You’re not responsible for aberrant crime

Unless it’s obvious that an em­­ployer acted maliciously by purposely setting out to harm an employee, chances are it won’t be held responsible for the consequences of a co-worker’s crime.

Best defense against bias suit: consistency

You simply never know which employee will sue for discrimination. Your best defense is to consistently treat all employees equally. Make all your workers follow all your workplace rules all the time.

Must we tell staff & visitors they’re being watched?


Q. We recently installed cameras in our plant’s production areas. The cameras aren’t hidden, and it is common knowledge they were installed. Do I need to post something notifying employees and visitors that the area is under video surveillance? Should I have employees sign something? 

Recruiting, payroll & perks: Yeah, there’s an HR app for that

If you don’t use HR-related apps right now, there is a good chance you will in the near future. Here are some apps worth checking out to save time and administrative costs: