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Promotions: 8 questions to interview in-depth

Internal hires often go wrong for one simple reason: HR and hiring managers assume they know the candidate. The best approach: Dig deep during interviews to identify employees who can be successful in the position you’re looking to fill—not just the job they’re doing now.

Job Interviews


HR Law 101: Much of the information employers avoid asking for on a job application becomes apparent when hiring managers meet someone face-to-face (such as race, age, physical disability and national origin). So, you must take extra care not to ask questions or make comments that an applicant might construe as discriminatory …

2 steps to a lawsuit-proof hiring process: Online applications and blind screening

One way to ensure “blind” ­hiring is to make sure your online application process doesn’t ask for any protected-class information. Then perform your initial screening without actually interviewing candidates. That way, only interviewed ­applicants can sue over not being hired.

Interviewing: Close the sale with the right message

Everyone who comes in contact with prospective job candidates, from receptionists to hiring managers, must think of themselves as salespeople at times. Here are tips to help achieve that goal.

7 deadly questions: What hiring managers can’t ask

You know this list by heart: the interview questions that must never, ever be asked. Others in your company could probably use a reminder. Seven questions never to ask:

Is there a legal way to ask if candidates will be able to work weekends and after hours?

Q. We are currently interviewing for an event coordinator position, which would require the person to frequently work well beyond the usual 9-to-5 workweek. Is there a way we can ask about personal situations and make it clear that missing these events because of family obligations would not be tolerated?

2 tactics to prevent needless litigation: Online applications and blind screening

One way to ensure “blind” hiring is to create an online application process that doesn’t ask for protected-class information. Then perform initial screening without actually interviewing candidates.

10 weird questions your colleagues actually asked


The career site Glassdoor.com does more than list available jobs. It also lets job-seekers submit questions they have been asked during hiring interviews. Behold 10 of the weirdest questions posed in 2013:

Must we interview men for our receptionist job?

Q. We advertised for a front-desk receptionist opening and got 44 applications. Three were from men, all qualified. We’ve always had a female in that job and would like to keep it that way. We plan to interview five finalists. Must we include one of the men to avoid sex discrimination charges?

Words of HR wisdom: 21 great hiring tips from your peers

As part of our celebration of HR Professionals Week (Oct. 7-11), The HR Specialist asked readers to share their best words of hiring wisdom from their own experiences. Here are 21 tips from your peers.