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Candidate tanks during job interview? That’s a legitimate reason not to hire

Interviews reveal applicants’ membership in protected classes like race, sex and obvious disability. As a result, courts sometimes look with suspicion on rejecting an applicant who was obviously qualified enough to earn an interview but who was rejected because of her interview performance.

Brainteaser interview questions: Why Google now calls them useless


One of the hallmarks of Google’s hiring strategy has been its famously quirky interview questions: How many piano tuners are there in the world? Why are manhole covers round? But Google has recently stopped asking such questions.

Do agencies use ‘fake applicants’ to test for bias?

Q. When interviewing a candidate, I became suspicious the job-seeker was a “tester.”  Her answers seemed like she was fishing for a slip-up. Do agencies or groups still send out people to see whether employers are hiring legally?

Just how many plaintiffs can one suit have?

What if you get a hiring decision wrong, choosing someone from one protected category over another slightly better-qualified minority applicant? Fortunately, that misstep won’t open the door for hordes of minority applicants to sue. Only the slightly better-qualified applicant will have a claim.

Cull interview lists to ensure you include the most-qualified candidates

Before you begin talking to candidates, make sure everyone you selected for an interview opportunity is among the best qualified, and that you haven’t passed over anyone who is obviously as well-qualified as other applicants. That’s the best way to avoid a needless failure-to-hire suit.

Concord Chick-fil-A sued for half-baked hiring approach

The EEOC is suing a Chick-fil-A res­­tau­­rant in Concord, alleging violations of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act that almost any savvy HR professional would have known to avoid.

Buyer beware: How to uncover the worst résumé falsehoods

Between 10% and 30% of résumés include untruths according to outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

Hiring managers unimpressed by newest college grads

In a survey by Adecco Staffing US, 66% of hiring managers said they’re finding freshly degreed applicants to be unprepared for the workplace. In fact, 58% of them said they’re not going to consider this year’s grads when filling positions this year.

Hire with care as economy recovers

Chances are, your organization is hiring more employees than it has in years. But going on a relative hiring binge is not without challenges. Consider these trends and insights from hiring managers.

6 interview questions you really shouldn’t ask applicants

Everyone knows to steer clear of job interview questions that could trigger claims of bias. But several common kinds of questions are just as boneheaded, although not for legal reasons.