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Employment Law

Texas Workers’ Compensation Act


The Texas workers’ compensation system is designed to replace the wages of employees who miss work due to on-the-job injuries. The system works as a no-fault guarantee. Employees who can show they were injured while working are entitled to a portion of their earnings and paid medical care for those injuries. They needn’t prove their employer was negligent. In exchange, injured employees can’t sue employers for negligence …

Texas Law on Employment Discrimination for Participating in Emergency Evacuation


Anyone who has lived through a rough hurricane season in Texas understands the disruption that an emergency evacuation creates. Such evacuations and subsequent returns cause real hardships for employers. But employees who evacuate their homes and jobs are protected from discriminatory employment actions due to the Texas law on Employment Discrimination for Participating in Emergency Evacuation …

Texas Public Information Act


No specific Texas law allows private-sector employees access to their workplace personnel files, but the Texas Public Information Act does provide that right to public employees …

Texas Payday Act


The Texas Payday Act seems like it should be simple, but it’s perhaps the most complicated employment law in the state. Full of traps for the unwary, the law can spell big trouble for even innocent mistakes. Plus, it carries a fine of up to $1,000 per violation …

Texas Labor Code Anti-Discrimination Provisions


Texas employers who abide by the employment discrimination provisions of the federal Civil Rights Act (Title VII) are likely to be safe under the state law, too. That’s because the Texas Labor Code provisions on discrimination are identical to the requirements under Title VII

Local Discrimination Ordinances in Texas


Several Texas cities and towns have made it illegal to discriminate in employment (hiring, firing, pay, promotions, etc.) on the basis of an employee or applicant’s sexual orientation …

Texas Minimum Wage Act


Since September 2001, when the Texas Minimum Wage Act was last amended, employers have been required to pay a minimum wage equal to the amount set by the federal government under the Fair Labor Standards Act …

Texas Child Labor Act


Under the Texas Child Labor Act, it’s illegal for employers to hire children under 14 years of age except in certain situations …

Florida Unemployment Compensation Law


Florida’s unemployment compensation law, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The law is complex and in some cases holds employers liable for unemployment insurance payments even when former employees weren’t fired but quit their jobs …

Florida Workers’ Compensation Law


The Florida workers’ compensation system protects employees who are injured on the job by replacing lost wages while they recover. The system works as a no-fault guarantee …