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Employment Law

Georgia Code on Equal Employment for People With Disabilities


Georgia’s code on equal employment for people with disabilities generally follows the federal ADA. The code guarantees to disabled individuals the right to full participation in the social and economic life of the state and lawful employment without discrimination because of a handicap …

Georgia Code on Jury Duty Leave


Georgia state law prohibits employers from penalizing employees for missing work to appear in court for jury duty or as a witness or to answer a summons or subpoena …

Georgia Minimum Wage Law


Georgia’s minimum wage of $5.15 per hour currently matches the federal minimum wage (which Congress voted to increase to $5.85 per hour effective July 24, 2007). However, the Georgia Minimum Wage Law differs in some key aspects from the federal minimum under the Fair Labor Standards Act …

Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act


Even as the national debate over immigration reform rages, the Georgia state legislature has decided to act rather than wait for a federal solution. Recently, Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law one of the toughest immigration laws in the country …

Atlanta Ordinance on Sexual Orientation


Since Georgia’s civil rights law contains no protections against discrimination based on sexual preference, the city of Atlanta has adopted an ordinance to address the issue …

Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Act


Pennsylvania’s unemployment compensation law, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The law is administered through the Pennsylvania Department of Labor …

Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act


The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act covers all employers in the state and provides wage replacement for employees hurt on the job. The law provides payments to employees regardless of fault. That is, to earn benefits, injured employees don’t have to prove that their employers were negligent; they need only prove that the injury occurred at work. Sounds simple, right? It’s not …

Pennsylvania Human Relations Act


Employers of four or more people must comply with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (PHRA). The law is administered by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC), which also receives the initial federal discrimination charges made under Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act …

Pennsylvania Law on Inspection of Employment Records


In Pennsylvania, employers must allow employees (or their designated agents) to inspect their personnel files upon reasonable request. The law applies only to actual employees, not to ex-employees or applicants who want to look at their application files …

Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act


Organizations that perform work on public works projects in Pennsylvania must pay the prevailing wage for various semiskilled positions, as determined by the Prevailing Wage Board …