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Employment Law

Indiana Civil Rights Act


Under the Indiana Civil Rights Act, it’s unlawful to subject people to differential treatment based on race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin or ancestry. The law prohibits discrimination in education, employment, access to public conveniences and accommodations, as well as real estate transactions …

Indiana Minimum Wage Law


In conjunction with the recent increase in the federal minimum wage, Indiana hiked its minimum wage from $5.15 to $5.85 per hour (effective July 24, 2007). Over the next two years, the state minimum wage will increase (along with the federal minimum wage) by 70 cents per hour in two phases …

Indiana Temporary Foreign Labor Certification Act


Indiana employers that want to hire foreign workers for specific temporary jobs must jump several hurdles. You must show that no qualified American workers are available for the position. Before advertising a position, you must obtain a prevailing wage statement from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development

Indiana Law on Jury and Witness Leave


Indiana employers can’t punish employees who are summoned to serve as jurors or witnesses in court. Even though you needn’t pay employees for jury duty, you can’t force them to use annual, vacation or sick leave during that time off …

Indiana Child Labor Law


Indiana’s child labor regulations generally follow federal law but have some interesting twists that can trip up employers. Minors are prohibited from working in any hazardous occupation designated by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Children ages 14 and older must obtain a work permit signed by their parent or guardian and approved by their school. Employers hiring minors must insist on verifiable proof of age. You may not use the fact that a minor misrepresented his or her age as a defense …

Local Ordinances in Indiana


Local governments in Indiana sometimes legislate their own rules for employers within their jurisdictions. For example, some municipalities have living-wage laws stipulating higher pay than the state minimum wage ($5.85 per hour), while others ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity …

Disabled Applicants


HR Law 101: The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against qualified applicants on the basis of a physical or mental disability. The law allows you to ask about an applicant’s ability to perform a job’s essential functions but not about a specific disability …

Negligent Hiring


HR Law 101: If you fail to do background checks on applicants for certain positions, you could make yourself vulnerable to a negligent-hiring lawsuit by any worker or customer who’s been hurt by a violent employee. You should check applicants’ backgrounds especially for positions such as day care worker, security guard and sales representative …

English-Only Policies

HR Law 101: If you’re thinking of establishing an English-only policy for your workplace, be aware that you risk incurring the wrath of the EEOC. The agency is strongly opposed to English-only rules and will prosecute employers that commit this type of national-origin discrimination…

Texas Unemployment Compensation Act


Texas unemployment compensation law, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The law is administered by the Texas Workforce Commission …