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Employment Law

Advocates urge Spitzer to get tough on labor-law violators


Immigrant advocacy groups banded together recently to urge Gov.-elect Eliot Spitzer to encourage the state’s Labor Department to pursue labor violations against whole industries in addition to individual companies …

Train managers on FMLA or risk paying double damages


It’s more important than ever to teach supervisors how to listen for leave requests that could fall under the umbrella of a “serious” condition qualifying for FMLA relief. Otherwise, don’t expect to plead ignorance if they make a mistake …

Phone call monitoring: Are you breaking the law?


A growing number of states require two-party consent to any monitoring or recording of business phone calls. And, if a recent court case is any guide, those states are ready to punish businesses that violate the rules even if the calls originate in a different state

Health insurance reforms finally hit the fast track


You’ve heard a lot of talk about reforming the country’s health insurance system … and now it appears you may see some action …

Pentagon Increases Citizen-Soldiers’ Active-Duty Time


The Pentagon last month eased its limits on the time reservists and National Guard troops can spend on active duty …

North Carolina Lifestyle Law


In response to moves to limit smoking in the early 1990’s, the legislature amended the state labor code to forbid employers from discriminating against employees who smoke. Specifically, it’s illegal for employers to discriminate against “the lawful use of lawful products during nonworking hours” …

North Carolina Minimum Wage Law


North Carolina’s minimum wage is $6.15 per hour, compared to the current federal minimum wage of $5.85 per hour. However, barring action by the state legislature, the federal minimum wage will overtake North Carolina’s minimum wage next year …

North Carolina Child Labor Law


Generally, in North Carolina children under 18 years of age may not work between 11 pm and 5 am on nights prior to a school day. However, youth ages 16 and older can work during those hours provided they have written permission from their parent/guardian and the school principal …

Local Ordinances in North Carolina


Local governments in North Carolina sometimes legislate their own rules for employers within their jurisdictions. For example, Durham County and the city of Durham have living-wage laws stipulating higher pay than the state minimum wage ($6.15 per hour) while Orange County has its own human rights ordinance …

Indiana Workers’ Compensation Law


The Indiana workers’ compensation system is designed to protect employees who are injured on the job by replacing lost wages while they recover. The Indiana Workers’ Compensation Board (www.in.gov/workcomp) administers the law. The system works as a no-fault guarantee …