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Workers’ Comp Fraud Is Legitimate Reason to Fire


Q. While on unpaid leave, one of our staffers applied for and was granted workers’ compensation. This person has not expressed any interest in returning to work. She may even be working for someone else. Can we terminate her? —A.L., New York

COBRA notification requires only a ‘good faith’ effort

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling that an employer who sent a COBRA continuation insurance notice to a former employee at his last known address via certified mail …

Health Plan Cancellation Ends Your COBRA Obligation


Q. Our business recently was forced to implement layoffs—and most remaining employees walked off the job. All were given a COBRA notice, but only one chose to take the coverage. Since this was a group insurance policy and only one person will now be insured, the insurer is cancelling our policy. What’s our responsibility to that ex-employee? —G.B., Texas

Gross misconduct gets tougher to prove

After a Philadelphia school district fired a high-school math teacher for misusing money from the extracurricular activity account, the teacher sued. He claimed, among other things, that the school district refused …

Expect Enron fallout to sway retirement offerings

With the collapse of giant energy trader Enron Corp. grabbing headlines, expect new skepticism and tough questions from employees about the makeup of your company’s own retirement plan. Hundreds of …

Night-Shift Liability


Q. Our company doesn’t have a policy on night shifts, but we’ve asked one of our hourly employees to work from 1 to 9 p.m. without any supervision. If something should happen to the employee while on night duty, are we liable for it? I’ve checked with my state labor department and workers’ comp office, and they say we’re not. —L.R., Florida

EPLI coverage: Shopping for lawsuit security


Even if you draft airtight employment policies and provide expert training, your company could still end up among the increasing number of businesses facing …

‘Gross Misconduct’ Cancels COBRA Coverage


Q. Do I have to provide a COBRA notice for an employee who is terminated for a positive drug test shortly after starting work? —D.W., Colorado

Paid family leave: Lots of talk in states but little action

Despite dozens of bills being introduced on paid family leave in state legislatures this year, only one made it into law. Oklahoma passed legislation requiring employers to allow workers to …

The countersuit: How to fire back at frivolous lawsuits

When a disgruntled employee files a meritless lawsuit against your company, don’t just defend yourself. Call his bluff by filing a …