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ACA compliance news you can use

The Affordable Care Act is finally in full swing for all large employers. Let’s get caught up to date.

Benefits seen as essential, especially health coverage

More than three-quarters of American workers say their workplace benefits package is important to their decision to take or reject a job, according to new research by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Poll: Most agree feds should require insurance

For the first time since 2008, more than half of those polled by Gallup say the government should ensure all Americans are covered by health insurance.

It’s crunch time for new health information reporting mandates

For many employers, their most direct contact with the Afford­­able Care Act arrives this winter. Employ­­ers with 50 or more full-time-equivalent workers in 2015 must report to the IRS their offer of minimum essential and affordable health insurance to employees. Here are the details.

5 years in, what’s ahead for Affordable Care Act compliance?

Phased implementation of the ACA has kept employers busy over the past few years. Here’s your cheat sheet and some tips for what’s ahead.

Supreme Court to rule again on ACA birth control rule

In 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that closely held private companies with religious objections to the Affordable Care Act’s birth-control mandate cannot be forced to pay for employees’ contraceptives. But some groups want a full exemption.

Congress repeals ACA’s auto-enrollment mandate

As part of the congressional budget deal signed by President Obama on Nov. 2, lawmakers agreed to repeal the automatic enrollment provision of the Affordable Care Act.

Health coverage up, but not because of benefits

More working-age Americans had health insurance in last year, even though the rate of coverage through employment-based health plans remained essentially flat. That’s according to a new report by the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Half of employers invested more on health care in 2015

Spending on health care benefits was up in 50% of organizations surveyed this year. In contrast, only about a quarter of employers reported spending more on wellness programs and career development.

Health premiums steady, out-of-pocket costs spiral

Single and family premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance rose an average of 4% this year, continuing a decade-long period of moderate growth, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research & Educational Trust 2015 Employer Health Benefits Survey released Sept. 10.