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Administration proposes revised template for required ACA SBCs

Seeking to make it easier for employees to understand their health insurance benefits, the Obama administration has proposed a new  summary of  benefits and coverage (SBC) that employers could be required to begin using in 2017.

Smartphones transform the talent acquisition process

A new tool for recruiters.

SHRM: Surcharges work! Smoking at work reduced

Forty-five percent of employers that impose health care surcharges on their employees who use tobacco say smoking in the workplace decreased since the policy was implemented, according to a new Society for Human Resource Management survey.

Court: Get tested or pay your own premiums

It costs so much to provide health insurance for your employees that you may be frustrated when you see some of them engaging in unhealthy behavior that ultimately drives up the premiums you pay.

Employers tackle spiraling prescription benefit costs

Employers are working hard to rein in prescription drug spending, according to new research by Towers Watson.

Deadlines extended for health insurance forms


In an act of year-end kindness, the IRS announced in late December that it’s extending the time you have to provide employees with Form 1095-C or 1095-B and the time you have to file those forms. The IRS stressed, however, that if you can furnish and file on time, you should still do so.

Unemployment: Workplace threats are grounds to quit

Employees who report being threatened at work can quit and collect unemployment benefits if their em­­ployer doesn’t act fast to provide a safe workplace. Such a “compelling and necessitous” reason to quit makes the employee eligible.

Obamacare ‘Cadillac tax’ rolled back until 2020

The much-maligned “Cadillac tax” on high-value employer-provided health insurance plans has been delayed for two years after President Obama signed a massive budget bill in late December that funds the federal government for the coming year.

Workers’ comp reinstatement must fit physical restrictions

Under workers’ comp rules, people who are injured at work are entitled to reinstatement into open jobs for which they are qualified and which fit any physical restrictions. The penalty for not placing a worker in such a job is one year’s wages.

No unemployment benefits: New duties weren’t grounds for quitting

Employees who quit generally aren’t entitled to unemployment compensation. Unless something occurred that would compel a reasonable worker quit, employees won’t get benefits.