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In office or at home, workers’ comp applies


Q. Do workers’ compensation laws apply if an employee is injured while working in his own home and using his own equipment? —S.S., Maryland

Don’t ignore ergonomics

Don’t forget about ergonomics just because Congress scrapped the Clinton administration’s controversial rules. Repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) can still hurt your bottom line, …

Do you have to offer COBRA? Check new IRS eligibility rule

If your company offers health insurance and has about 20 workers, look into IRS rules published this year. The federal COBRA law requires companies with 20 or more workers …

High court to decide whether health plans can recoup benefits

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether health plans can sue to recover benefits from a person who also collects from another source. In the case, an insurance …

Having a good business reason trumps speculation

After Gary Rowe had a kidney transplant, his medication was costing his employer more than $1,000 a month, and his supervisor frequently asked about his condition. When that supervisor had to …

Rein in workers’ compensation costs

Workers’ compensation insurers are ex-pecting premium hikes this year, some as much as 20 percent. Here are some ways to keep your costs down: Clamp down on cheats. Experts …

Catch up on flurry of midnight regulations

A blizzard of new regulations affecting businesses came out in the final days of the Clinton administration. The new ergonomic rules may be the most expensive in …

Return to work can speed recovery for injured employee

Here’s more reason to get a solid return-to-work program in place: A new report says patients have better outcomes with their injuries if they are involved in their recovery and return …

You may have to pay for workers’ old ailments

During her 30-year career as a dental hygienist, Kathleen Flor worked for many dentists. In 1990, a test for hepatitis C came back negative, even though she was treated …

Draw clear lines of liability when leasing your employees

When Interwest Insulation needed help with its employee paperwork and complying with state laws, it signed an employee leasing agreement with …