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Study: Fair managers = healthy employees

Here’s a simple way to cut your health costs: Encourage managers to lower their voice and treat employees more fairly. Reason: Employees who work under bosses who are judged to be …

Revamp your COBRA notices; Labor floats new rules

You and your health plan administrator will have to provide more specifics on COBRA rights to employees under new rules proposed by the U.S. Labor Department. The proposed …

Revamp your COBRA notices; feds float new rules

Issue: New Labor Department proposals add paperwork burden.
Risk: Using outdated COBRA notices puts you on the government’s hit list, resulting in fines up to $110 per violation, per day. …

Do you need insurance against employee lawsuits?

Consider these stats: More than one-fourth of civil lawsuits filed last year were employment related, and the average jury award in employment cases is approaching …

Most Nonprofits Aren’t Exempt From COBRA


Q. We’re a nonprofit, and we offer health insurance to our employees. If an employee is enrolled in the health plan and voluntarily quits, are we required to offer COBRA? Or does our nonprofit status let us off the hook? —A.B., Tennessee

Safeguard your health data: HIPAA rules kick in April 14

Reminder: If your company sponsors an employee benefit plan, it likely has to comply with new privacy standards under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’s …

It’s OK to Offer Incentive to Drop Health Coverage


Q. Due to rising premiums, our company is looking into alternatives to reduce our group health benefit costs. Several employees are on our plan and their spouses’ plan. They are willing to go off our group plan if we compensate them “x” amount of dollars each month. Is it legal to offer the medical insurance benefit or a cash alternative? —S.P., Michigan

Employee Can’t Claim COBRA if Not Enrolled in Plan


Q. We offer insurance benefits that begin six months after hire. Due to changing business conditions, we had to terminate an employee after only 10 months on the job. But the worker wasn’t signed up for the health plan on his termination date. Does he now have any claim to COBRA? —M.R., South Carolina

Bush to halt Clinton-era rule opening UI funds for paid leave

Acting to quiet business’s criticism and protect state unemployment insurance dollars, the U.S. Labor Depart-ment says it plans to repeal a Clinton administration regulation that gives states the option of dipping …

Person must be true employee to collect workers’ comp.

Jerald Meyer was helping repair a wall at his wife’s restaurant when he fell from a ladder and suffered a serious brain injury. Meyer brought a claim under workers’ comp, claiming …