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You can enforce no-weapon policy in parking lot, too

A recent court ruling shows that your organization has the right to enforce its anti-violence policy anywhere on its property, not just within its walls. The case: Security cameras caught three …

Inability to ‘get along with others’ may qualify employees as disabled

Perk up your lawsuit radar if you (or one of your organization’s managers) plan to discipline an employee who has emotional problems and difficulty relating to other people. As the following …

Apply ‘fashion police’ rules evenly to avoid discrimination complaints

When it comes to enforcing your organization’s dress code, consistency is the name of the game.
As the following case shows, you can’t prevent employees from wearing union-related shirts, hats …

Employee refusing to sign review? Don’t let that stop your discipline

As part of your performance reviews or progressive discipline process, you probably ask for the employee’s signature to acknowledge the issues discussed and actions taken. What if that document is likely …

Lock in employees’ reasons for quitting

To prove “constructive discharge,” employees must show that their employer made the work environment so intolerable that it forced them to quit.
So, how can you prevail in such lawsuits …

Exit interviews: Use them to cut turnover, unveil legal risks

THE LAW. While you’re not required to conduct exit interviews with departing employees, federal employment laws do govern how you must handle certain information heard during such meetings.
For …

Keep track of your departed all-stars

If a talented employee resigns from your organization (say, for example, a new mom decides to stay at home), don’t erase that person from your memory. Build a database of competent …

Quiet a legal storm: Close during weather emergencies

The hurricanes that battered Florida and the Gulf states this summer pushed an HR question to the forefront: Can employers require employees to report to work during an ordered evacuation or …

Handle sticky-fingered employees with kid gloves

Issue: HR must walk a legal tightrope when employees are suspected of in-house theft. Risk: A bungled theft investigation increases your organization’s …

Enforce ‘truth statement’ on applications

If your organization’s job application doesn’t include a “statement of accuracy,” add one fast. In signing, applicants promise they’ve given complete and accurate answers. Such statements provide a solid legal basis …