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Don’t retaliate against employee who is arrested; await case result

When dealing with employees who’ve had brushes with the law, remember that a big difference exists between “arrests” and “convictions.”
It’s clear that you can fire employees convicted of crimes. …

You can’t base employment decision on reasons unrelated to the job

You’re free to set certain terms and conditions for employees’ jobs. But make sure none of those conditions step on employees’ constitutionally protected rights, particularly rights that apply to their personal …

Abercrombie settlement: a lesson in hiring for ‘looks’

In what the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) labels a “landmark” settlement, retailer Abercrombie & Fitch is shelling out nearly $50 million to settle three employment discrimination suits …

Can you hire for ‘looks?’ Abercrombie case offers a lesson

Issue: Whether a marketing strategy can, or should, dictate your organization’s hiring practice.
Risk: Any hiring strategy that appears to discriminate against a protected class is fair game for EEOC …

Accommodate religious requests; don’t debate ‘sincerity’

Issue: Accommodating employees’ religious beliefs and practices even though you question their legitimacy.
Risk: You’ll waste time (and potentially spark a lawsuit) by challenging a person’s religious sincerity.
Action: …

‘Equal-opportunity harasser’ defense may not save you in court

You may think that if an employee subjects both male and female co-workers to the same offensive conduct, employees of neither sex can file a sexual-harassment lawsuit.
In past cases, …

Use ‘restrictive covenants’ to limit damage from staff defectors

You were annoyed last week when your company’s sales manager quit. He’d been in that job for 15 years and didn’t give any notice. But today, four of your best sales …

Enforce use-it-or-lose-it vacation with a clear policy

Issue: How to handle employees’ vacation leave left over at year-end or when they leave your employ.
Benefit: A clearly written policy can protect you from disputes and unnecessary compensation. …

Preventing harassment: not a ‘one and done’ deal

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Unemployment claim hangs on seasonal staff duration


Q. If our company hires seasonal employees for the holidays and then releases them after the Christmas rush, are we responsible as the last employer that will have an unemployment insurance claim placed against it? —B.B., New York