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Avoid overly specific ‘grounds for firing’ list

A United Parcel Service (UPS) worker broke into a profane tirade at two supervisors in a dispute over his check. When he refused to stop, the HR director dismissed him on …

Don’t ‘shoot the messenger’, retaliation claim will usually stick

Restaurant manager Peter Ball knew that one of his waiters was preparing to sue the restaurant for unpaid overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). When Ball alerted the company …

Adapt work schedules to worship, religious TV shows included

Employers are required to adjust work schedules to accommodate their employees’ religious observances, even for nontraditional beliefs. In a recent case, an employee …

Hotel’s bid for ‘cool’ valets teaches lesson on job standards

Under a new Equal Employment Opportunity Commission settlement, a group of valet/bellmen will collect $120,000 each from the upscale California hotel …

Lesson of Reeves: Give reason for employment decision

When making an employment decision (such as firing, hiring, demotion), it’s important for your words and actions to be consistent with your true reasons. It’s equally vital …

Title VII’s silence on gay bias doesn’t give OK to discriminate

It would be an understatement to describe the working relationship between nurse Gary Hamner and the hospital’s medical director as poor. Hamner, a homosexual, says …

Extra damages can be awarded to cover tax consequences

A jury awarded Richard O’Neill $519,000 in his age discrimination lawsuit against Sears. But O’Neill asked the judge to award extra damages to cover …

Employee doesn’t need to exhaust complaint channels to file suit

After complaining to her store manager several times about harassment, Gabrielle Breda decided to resign and sue rather than take her complaint up the chain of command. Company policy …

Even ‘tolerable’ harassment will nail you

For months, Richard Corliss hurled racial slurs at two African-American co-workers at McDonald’s. When the two women complained, their supervisor said he couldn’t control Corliss’ mouth, claimed he didn’t know how …

Waiver protection is limited


Q. Many of my former employees want me to provide post-employment references, but I’m afraid of liability. Can I ask them to sign a release giving me permission to provide references that would absolve me from any liability? —A.K., Virginia