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Woman has affair, quits and then loses sex discrimination case


The course of true love, at least in the workplace, runs straight to the courtroom. But Floor Covering Associates of Joliet received a reprieve recently when the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district court verdict in its favor …

Hinting employee should quit and offering severance? He still gets unemployment


If you tell an employee you think it’s time for him or her to leave and offer a severance package as an inducement, you still may have to pay unemployment. That’s true even if the employee signs a statement saying he or she quit voluntarily in order to get the extra money …

Telling manager about special ed may trigger FEHA accommodations process


California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for an employee’s known mental disabilities. Under FEHA, something as simple as a new employee telling her manager that she has a learning disability and had taken special education classes triggers the employer’s responsibility to consider accommodations …

Q&A: Thanks for the two-Week notice … Now clean out your desk


Q. If an employee resigns and gives two weeks’ notice, can the employer tell the worker that he or she is not needed for the two weeks and avoid paying the person for that time? …

Noncompete clause must be very specific or it may be invalid


Employers who want to preserve their competitive advantage often require employees or contractors to sign noncompete agreements. But Georgia agreements must be very specific, detailing exactly what type of employment is prohibited. If the agreement is too broad, a judge may toss it out …

How to handle ‘No-Match’ letters: New rules go into effect on Sept. 14


The Department of Homeland Security just published final regulations that provide guidance to employers on how to respond to "no-match" letters, which notify employers of discrepancies with employees’ Social Security numbers. If you follow those steps correctly, you’ll earn immunity from penalties if illegal workers are found at your business. How can you comply? Read on.

Can you make payroll deductions for missing company property?


Texas employers frequently face problems associated with retrieving company property from disgruntled former employees. Let’s use a hypothetical scenario to answer questions on whether or when you can make payroll deductions for the missing property …

Filling out NASD Form U-5? For now, watch what you say


A federal appeals court has asked the New York Court of Appeals for help with an important legal question and the answer may impact how you fill out National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) forms when you terminate an employee with a securities license …

Did employee file small claims case? You may get later lawsuit tossed


One cardinal rule of law is this: You can only be sued once for all claims related to a particular wrong …

Fired worker can still receive total-Disability benefits


The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that an injured employee may continue to receive temporary total-disability benefits even if he no longer qualifies for his position …