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Must we grant time off for rehab?


Q. An employee recently confided to us that he has a drug problem and would like to take several weeks off to participate in a rehabilitation program. Does the California Labor Code require us to grant him time off?

Document discharge reasons before taking action


Faced with a performance problem, too many employers seize on the first reason to discharge an employee instead of thoroughly reviewing the person’s work and documenting any problems in his or her file. That’s fine, if the firing rationale stands up to scrutiny and the employee doesn’t sue. But if the employee claims some form of discrimination, you want the reason you chose to be rock-solid …

Without clause, employers can’t escape paying full wages


When it comes to employment contracts, it’s wise to include an escape clause. Here’s why: If you don’t specify that you can terminate the contract early and then find yourself having to eliminate the employee, you may have to pay that employee the full amount he or she would have earned working the entire term of the contract …

Limited right to terminate employees whose wages are garnished


Q. Every time we turn around, a certain employee is having his wages garnished. We’re sick and tired of the added paperwork and are ready to terminate his employment. Is this a valid reason? …

Georgia law requires issuing DOL-800 forms for all separations


Q. It has always been our practice to issue separation notices only when we involuntarily discharge or lay off an employee, but our new plant manager believes we have to issue them even when an employee resigns voluntarily. What’s the rule? …

Customer complaint can be basis for discipline


Employers can’t cater to every customer’s whim, but they can respond to complaints about employee behavior without worrying that a judge will second-guess their decision …

You can discuss absenteeism without violating disability law


Employees with disabilities may be absent more than other employees. That doesn’t mean you can’t reasonably ask about those absences. In fact, courts have ruled that it’s not necessarily harassment even when supervisors land hard on disabled employees who are frequently no-shows …

Do you know whom you’re disciplining?


When it comes to discrimination, your best defense is treating everyone absolutely equally. That’s tough to do without a central HR tracking system. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Make sure you note any problems (and praise) in each employee’s official file. Then, do regular audits—pulling out data on age, sex, national origin and race—to tabulate types of problems and any discipline levied …

Clear Work Rules—Like a No-Lying Policy—Help Employers Beat Unemployment Comp Claims


One of the most important moves Pennsylvania employers can make to cut unwarranted unemployment compensation liability is to establish clear work rules. Those rules should include a requirement that all employees act honestly. Explain to all employees that violating the honesty rule is grounds for termination …

Mercer County caseworker loses discrimination suit


Jeffrey Hawthorne, a Mercer County Children and Youth Services (CYS) caseworker, sued the agency for gender discrimination, alleging his supervisors wanted to create an “all-female work force,” and “treated men differently from women” …