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Angry employee shoots and kills her office-Manager friend


A Sarasota doctor’s office employee who knew she was about to be fired shot and killed her office manager, then went home and killed herself on her patio …

Employee’s web gig prompts firing over fire ant antics


Pinellas Park city officials are taking flack over their decision to fire Tom Parmentier, Jr., a public works technician, for appearing as “Tom the Tree Man” in several crude Internet videos …

Gun-Toting good Samaritan is fired


When Colin Bruley, a leasing agent for the Jacksonville apartment complex where he lives, heard a woman screaming that she’d been shot, he grabbed his shotgun and ran to help …

Pregnancy Discrimination Act doesn’t apply to partner of pregnant woman


The federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) protects women from discrimination based on pregnancy or the ability to become pregnant. But men who are fired while their girlfriends or wives are pregnant can’t bring a PDA lawsuit …

Apply common sense in determining ‘Substantial impairment’


We’re becoming a nation of complainers, and the workplace is no exception. Consider the growing number of employees who claim they have a real or imagined disability—and want an accommodation …

Instruct supervisors: Mum’s the word on discharge


Nothing will sink an employer’s case faster than a manager’s careless comment …

Whistle-Blower being cut? Run termination by counsel before sending letter


It pays to tread cautiously when dealing with employees who have publicly criticized their employers …

Love hurts, but retaliation is really, really expensive


A former financial manager for Joseph Chevrolet of Millington will be reinstated to her job and receive $168,000 after she was fired for ending a sexual relationship with owner Joseph Hood …

Gun-Toting good Samaritan is fired


Village Green Companies, a residential leasing company based in Oak Park, sparked a public outcry when it fired a leasing agent for bringing a shotgun with him when he helped to rescue a wounded neighbor …

Draft ‘Last-Chance’ agreements with care


Q. We have a poor-performing employee who is up for discharge. The union has requested that we give him one “last chance,” and has said that it will agree to a last-chance agreement if we don’t terminate his employment now. What is the impact of a last-chance agreement? — J.R.