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Discrimination lawsuit by lesbian nurse fails in court


A federal judge in the Northern District of Texas recently dismissed a Title VII discrimination lawsuit brought by a lesbian nurse who claimed that she was fired because of her sexuality and appearance …

Carefully craft an escape clause in all job contracts


If you use employment contracts for independent contractors or senior-level managers, make sure those contracts contain enough "wiggle room" to terminate for cause based on your subjective performance assessment …

You can fire managers who ignore harassment complaints


The best harassment policy in the world isn’t worth the paper it’s written on if employees don’t take it seriously. To show your policy has teeth, you have to let it bite …

Reinstatement won’t erase your job-Bias liability


Here’s more incentive to make correct employment decisions the first time around: A recent court ruling makes clear that employees can still sue under Title VII even if your organization quickly reverses a decision …

‘Suspicion’ not enough to win discrimination suit


Employees need more than a hunch that their employer discriminates based on age. They need some kind of proof …

Insubordination policy trumps progressive discipline


Many employers who have progressive discipline and no-fault attendance programs believe they must stick to progressive discipline for every attendance infraction. But that’s not so …

Hostile work environment depends on nature of job


Some jobs are more difficult than others, and employees who choose to work in tough fields may have to develop a thicker skin. When it comes to deciding whether a work site fosters a "hostile work environment," courts typically decide whether harassment is objectively abusive based on the circumstances of the worker’s job …

No immigration papers = No unemployment check


Texas employers who fire employees for failing to comply with federal immigration laws needn’t fear that doing so will mean that the employees can later collect unemployment compensation payments. When employees are terminated because they have not provided work authorization papers, you can protest the unemployment application on the basis of "misconduct"…

Executive exemption requires true hiring/firing authority


Before you classify supervisors as exempt executive employees, make sure you’ve given them enough authority to make that classification stick. That means delegating true hiring/firing power with the clear understanding that your organization will typically follow the supervisors’ recommendations …

‘Firing manager’ should be same one who did the hiring


When you need to terminate an employee, it makes sense for the same manager who hired the employee to also pull the trigger on the firing. That bit of legal strategy—the so-called "same actor defense"—could help you defend a discrimination lawsuit down the road …