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Don’t let abusive staff use disability as excuse; you can fire for behavior

Don’t allow employees to use their disabilities as justification for poor behavior, especially if it clearly threatens your workplace. Even if an employee is …

Lower-level bias can illegally taint firing decision

When it comes to discrimination affecting your company’s hiring and firing decisions, what you don’t know can hurt you. That’s why it’s important to reiterate …

Simple pain complaint doesn’t count as FMLA notice.

A worker who previously fractured his coccyx told his boss he was “in pain from his tailbone” and needed to go to the doctor that day. Although the boss told him …

FCRA: How to comply with background-check rules

THE LAW. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulates how your company performs background checks on job applicants. Contrary to popular belief, this federal law …

Bankrupt worker protected from bias, but only if he formally filed

The U.S. Bankruptcy Code says it’s illegal for private companies to fire employees, or refuse to hire applicants, solely because they’ve filed for bankruptcy. But what …

Doing half a job is not a reasonable accommodation request

After a construction worker injured his shoulder, had surgery and returned to work, he told his employer he didn’t have any disability that would prevent him from doing …

Don’t punish employees for participating in legal probes

Kimberly Hill, a 10-year employee at the Kentucky Lottery Corp., testified at an unemployment compensation hearing on behalf of a co-worker who alleged discrimination. Soon …

Heads up: Workers can sue over ‘potty parity.’

A manufacturing firm’s new plant had only one restroom, which was designed for men. Female workers were told they had to use that restroom during work hours, …

Undocumented workers can sue for retaliation under FLSA

Macan Singh was recruited to work in the United States with a promise of a place to live, free tuition and eventual partnership in a business. When none of this materialized …

Beware new court trend: Employees use expert to shift blame for failure

If an employee drags you into court, don’t be surprised if the worker totes along his own expert witness to put your company in a bad light. More employees are …