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Employees criticizing the firm? Where to draw the line


Execs and supervisors may bristle at criticism from employees and instinctively want to punish offenders. But that apparent insubordination can sometimes be considered protected speech under federal or state law. Knowing what’s protected and what’s not is key

Be wary of ‘Public policy’ exception to at-Will employment


While at-will employment is the standard in Pennsylvania, the right to fire an employee with or without cause is not absolute. Your organization can be sued under state law if former employees can show that they were fired in retaliation for exercising a right protected by Pennsylvania law

Termination reasons needn’t be long laundry list


Firing an employee is a painful process. But delivering the news needn’t turn into a marathon discussion or airing of every management beef about the employee …

U.S. Steel wins ADA case; worker couldn’t do ‘Essential’ parts of job


U.S. Steel Corp. did not violate the ADA when the company terminated a senior technician due to a degenerative lower back condition, a federal district court judge ruled in a Pennsylvania case …

EEOC dishes up harassment lawsuit to Turkey Hill


The EEOC filed a lawsuit against Turkey Hill Dairy, Inc. alleging the company maintained a hostile work environment in its Conestoga Dairy facility in Lancaster County …

Remark on religious fervor isn’t proof of biased motive


It’s almost never wise to comment on an employee’s religion or religious practices. But take heart in a new ruling that shows not all inappropriate comments will be deemed discrimination …

Tardiness Can Count as ‘Misconduct’ That Bars UI Benefits


Under Florida law, employees who are fired can’t collect unemployment compensation if you fired them for "misconduct."  Unfortunately, the law doesn’t clearly define misconduct …

If Employees Sue, Double-Check Their Qualifications


When employees sue you for discrimination, be sure to pull out their job applications and résumé for a second look. You may discover that they misrepresented their education or job history, which could sink their case …

Georgia Not Likely to Ban Sexual-Orientation Discrimination


It seems safe to conclude that Georgia employers won’t have to worry anytime soon about a state ban on sexual-orientation discrimination in the workplace …

Isolated comments on accent not enough to prove bias


No doubt, your managers and supervisors know not to ridicule someone’s accent or way of speaking. But what if an employee’s communication skills suffer on account of his other accent? Are you prohibited from mentioning that accent and recommending remedial help to better communications?