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Good records are key to winning retaliation lawsuits


When it comes to discharging employees, it’s very important to document your decision-making process. Be prepared to show that you followed company disciplinary rules and applied them even-handedly …

HIV-Positive trucker settles discrimination case


A truck driver who is HIV-positive has settled an employment lawsuit against his former employer, E.C. Trading Ltd. He claimed the company cut his hours and then fired him after it learned about his HIV status …

Jury awards $150,000 to worker in Tarrant County retaliation case


A Tarrant County jury has awarded more than $150,000 in damages to a former animal control officer who sued the city of Burleson for wrongful discharge …

Baker Axed for Deserting Bagels Still Has a Wrongful-Firing Case


A bagel baker at a BP Connect store will proceed with an HIV-discrimination and wrongful-firing suit even though he admitted his firing was justified …

The Dirty Dozen: Manager mistakes that spark lawsuits


Lawsuits by employees against their employers have grown tremendously in the past decade. Sometimes those lawsuits have merit, sometimes they don’t. Here are 12 of the biggest manager mistakes that harm an organization’s credibility in court. Use these points as a checklist to shore up your personal employment-law defense.

FMLA: When You Can Refuse to Reinstate a Worker


HR Law 101: The FMLA allows employers to refuse to reinstate workers returning from FMLA leave under limited circumstances. For example, if you have experienced a reduction in force due to the economy or a companywide reorganization, you may be able to eliminate a returning worker’s job …

Managers who hire for ‘Right look’ may be discriminating


Image is everything, as the saying goes. But be extra careful that your pursuit of a certain work-force image doesn’t result in the weeding out of legally protected employees (females, minorities, older workers, etc.) …

Consistent discipline: Your best defense against firing bias


Some employers’ policies are stricter than others, such as zero-tolerance policies against theft. But it’s more important how you apply your policy than what the policy says …

Hired a dud? Double-Check that person’s qualifications and sniff out exaggerations


You’ve no doubt hired a candidate who looks great on paper but quickly shows deficiencies. The experience he or she listed on the résumé isn’t apparent when the person starts work. Before long, you realize your mistake and fire the new employee, who then sues for discrimination

Listen for hints about illness … they may be FMLA notice


The FMLA’s notice provision requires employees, to be eligible for FMLA leave, to let their employers know that they suffer from a serious health condition. Merely telling a supervisor “I’m sick” doesn’t cross to the threshold of a legitimate FMLA notice. But it’s important for supervisors to know that employees, on the other hand, don’t need to say something as explicit as “I need FMLA leave because I have X illness” …