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You can ban employee smoking, but can you ban smokers?


Employers are always looking for ways to cut health care costs … and smoking and overweight employees may seem like ripe targets for change …

Brace Against Rising Tide of Age-Bias Lawsuits in Florida


Florida’s population is the oldest in the United States. So perhaps it comes as no surprise that older workers in the state are becoming increasingly litigious in filing Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) lawsuits …

Employers don’t always have to be right, just honest


When you know it’s time to discharge an employee, don’t let excessive fear of a lawsuit immobilize you. The fact is, employers do make mistakes, but not all their errors lead to liability …

Highway Patrol Officer Sues for Gender Discrimination (Again)


The Florida Highway Patrol’s highest-ranking female officer has filed a gender-discrimination suit against the department for firing her last year …

Protecting Your Trade Secrets

White Paper published by The HR Specialist, copyright 2007 ______________________ All businesses want to safeguard trade secrets and proprietary information and maintain their customers’ trust. So you will naturally want to let your employees and independent contractors know what you expect of them in this regard. Your options range from making a simple policy statement […]

Violence and Weapons: How to Develop Policies and Procedures

Login Email Address Password I forgot my password To continue reading this page, become an HR Specialist Premium Plus member today! Your subscription includes: Ask the Attorney: Answers to your HR legal questions Compliance Guidance: Access to 7,000 HR news articles, updated daily, sorted by state State-by-State: Summaries of HR laws in all 50 states […]

Exit Interviews


HR Law 101: Nowadays, most organizations conduct exit interviews with departing employees to determine why they’ve resigned. Exit interviews can be a great HR tool, but you have to know what questions to ask and, at the same time, what questions to avoid for legal reasons.

Youth-Based Discrimination Claims


HR Law 101: Under the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act, employees must be 40 or older to file an age-bias lawsuit. But several states (among them Maine, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Oregon) don’t include a minimum age at which legal protection begins …

Performance Reviews


HR Law 101: There are two important reasons why you should conduct regular appraisals of your employees’ performance. First, periodic and competent appraisals reduce the opportunity for a discharged employee to claim unfair treatment. The appraisal process alerts employees to what you expect of them, areas in which they’re deficient and how they can improve their performance. Second, appraisals constitute documented proof of unsatisfactory performance that will help you justify employment decisions …

Any ethnic stereotype, even a positive one, can trigger a job discrimination lawsuit


Most supervisors know that it’s illegal to voice negative racial, age or gender stereotypes in the workplace. But they may not realize that positive stereotypes also can lead to trouble …