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Your HR Career

3 mandatory teamwork rules

While working individually has its merits—and is often essential—in today’s workplace, you must be a team player to succeed.

Is your HR department effective? 5 questions to find out

Here are 5 questions to begin the conversation of how you can create a human resources department that adds value every day.

A 7-step survival guide for first-time managers

Here is a seven-point guide to help rookie bosses quickly get control of the job, demonstrate competence and establish authority with a minimum of frustration.

Is it possible for HR to be too compassionate?


Maybe you were attracted to HR because you like helping people. Maybe you still get the warm fuzzies when you help ease employees’ pain. But does your instinct to empathize with employee suffering also trigger vicarious pain in you?

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’16

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

The HR I.Q. Test: November ’16

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

The HR I.Q. Test: October ’16

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

What employees wonder about your leadership

Here are some of the questions your people are asking as they assess your leadership style.

The HR I.Q. Test: September ’16

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Build a foundation of trust

Building trust is a lot like building a house of cards: It takes a long time to create, but doesn’t take long for it to come tumbling down. A broken promise or betrayed confidence can erode trust very quickly.