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Harris County, Texas official must take harassment training

The chief of the Harris County, Texas prosecutor’s Misdemeanor Department has been disciplined for making inappropriate comments to female employees.

Ensure training programs are equal opportunity

Make training available to everyone who may benefit. Be sure there’s no hidden bias behind choosing who gets to take part. If members of a protected class routinely miss out, expect a lawsuit.

Is HR your ‘manager complaint department’?

HR people realize it’s part of their roles to help supervisors deal with employee issues. But what should HR do with managers who go overboard, reflexively dumping even the smallest of their employee concerns and complaints onto HR?

Mandatory training for all staff isn’t retaliation

An employee may feel singled out when HR holds a training session to address something that employee did. But that doesn’t make it retaliation.

Document that you held anti-harassment training

It’s easier to defeat sexual harassment lawsuits if you have a robust anti-harassment policy and let employees know exactly how to use it. The key is to prove that the worker knew about the policy but failed to use it.

EEOC weighs in: Most sexual harassment training doesn’t work

The EEOC receives over 30,000 harassment complaints each year, and that may just be the tip of the iceberg. One EEOC-com­­missioned survey found that three out of four employees who experience harassment never complain through their employer’s established channels.

31% of employers to spend more on training

Nearly one-third (31%) of CFOs in a Robert Half Management Resources survey report their company’s training or professional development budget is higher this year than last.

Lawsuit-proof protection: Support your harassment policy with robust training program

Employers that have a solid anti-harassment policy and make sure employees understand it are far less likely to lose a sexual harassment lawsuit than those who don’t.

You must pay employees for almost all training time

Most training is designed to help employees perform their jobs better. Almost always, that means training time is paid time.

Snapshot: How important is training and development to success at work?

The vast majority of American workers believe their future job success depends on learning new skills and taking advantage of training opportunities.