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Was that a lack of training or common sense?

Employees discharged for unprofessional conduct sometimes try to blame their problems on a lack of training. They argue that they had no way of knowing that their transgressions were inappropriate. That won’t work if common sense would have told a reasonable person that their conduct was wrong.

DOL efforts seek to train for skilled trades

From digital tool and die makers to semiconductor technicians to old-school trades such as plumbers and electricians, people who know how to work with their hands as well as their heads are in short supply.

Training on implicit bias has pluses—and pitfalls to avoid

Bias plays a part in all discrimination, ranging from race relations to gender and disability stereotypes. Training on implicit or unconscious bias training—if poorly implemented—may backfire, leaving the workplace more divided than it was before.

State of New York has new rules to curb harassment

The unveiling of New York’s 2019 budget made it clear that the state has maintained its focus on curbing sexual harassment in the workplace. The measures affect both private and public employers. Here are some of the highlights.

Prevent training misfires with follow-up

Training isn’t enough. Without careful follow-up, your training efforts may backfire—badly! Consider what happened in early May at Albertsons, the national grocery store chain.

Harassment training has changed since #MeToo

Employment lawyers say the first six months of the #MeToo movement hasn’t led to a tsunami of workplace harassment claims by employees—at least not yet. One big change, however, has been a sharp increase in the number of employers who are doing preventative training to head off such claims.

Training may be nonexempt even for exempt staff


Do you offer an extended training period for newly hired workers who will be performing high-skill, exempt administrative jobs? If so, you may have to treat them as hourly workers during the training period when they are not actually performing work, but learning how to do their new jobs.

California expands requirements for anti-harassment training


In October, Gov. Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 396 into law, expanding the subjects that must be covered in California’s mandatory sexual harassment training for supervisors.

How to properly train a new employee


Good training doesn’t just happen. It’s the result of careful preparation and a well-developed supervisory system.

Who says onboarding can’t be fun?

Some employers enliven their onboarding process with games, quizzes and other activities that inform while they entertain. Here are some real-life examples.