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Strategic Planning

Scrutiny of arbitration agreements on the rise

If you require employees to sign arbitration agreements as a condition of employment, expect more questions from them in light of recent media attention.

College completion slowing even as STEM studies grow

While the demand for educated labor continues to increase in the U.S., new research from Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. suggests the supply of qualified candidates may not be keeping up with employer demand.

Checklist: Processes to prevent internal theft

A Small Business Administration report says 30% of employees admit to stealing from their employers. Every organization needs policies and procedures in place to curtail internal theft. Test your company’s efforts by answering the following questions.

Surge in mail delays delivers potential legal risk

If your HR department relies on timely mailing of compliance documents, take note of a new development.

Mandatory EEO-1 surveys due back to EEOC by Sept. 30

Check your mail! The EEOC has sent out notification letters alerting large employers that they must complete their 2015 EEO-1 surveys.  The EEO-1 is an annual survey that all private employers with 100 or more employees are required to fill out.

6 questions you must ask when buying lawsuit insurance

Employment practice liability insurance covers you against losses resulting from employee lawsuits, but it pays to shop around.

Prep new hires with a welcome package

What first impression do you give new employees? You can start new hires feeling organized and in the know before their first day on the job by sending a welcome package in the mail.

What to do when an enforcement agency contacts you


The federal government, most states and some municipalities all have agencies charged with enforcing employment laws. Employers are most likely to have contact with agencies that enforce anti-discrimination laws, usually when an employee or former employee files a complaint. How you deal with those enforcement agencies when discrimination charges surface matters a lot.

Disaster and pandemic planning for employers: A primer

Having even a basic plan in place will help if and when the unthinkable strikes.

Succession planning in an era of delayed retirement

Companies are facing an aging population, prolonged careers and heightened discrimination risks. How do you create effective succession plans given these factors?