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Strategic Planning

Prepare for gun violence in your workplace

Workplace shootings, though rare, do take place—often in public places such as stores, malls and parking lots, but also in office buildings, factories and warehouses. Employers should have a plan in place to protect both employees and customers.

Merger in your future? Focus on middle managers

Building engagement and buy-in from middle management of the acquired company is key to a successful merger, according to new research by The Conference Board.

Should your company close for a week to innovate, plan?

Even if a leader advocates for employees to be creative and pursue new ideas, organizations rarely allocate time and resources. Enter the “organizational charrette,” a new management practice in which the entire company closes shop for one week so every employee can focus on innovation and future planning.

Disaster response may start with helping staff first

When Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas Gulf Coast a year ago, many employees couldn’t work because they were preoccupied with damage to their own homes. Employers have responded in creative ways.

How HR can help CEOs, from CEOs who started in HR

HR pros complain all the time that the top brass in their organizations don’t value the HR function. A panel of three chief executive officers who spoke at The HR Specialist Summit in Las Vegas in September understand that frustration.

The tough decision checklist: Finish it and sleep soundly tonight

Stop second-guessing yourself and get out a pen. After you go coolly through this checklist point by point, you’ll be ready to stand up and make that difficult call—no hesitation, and no regrets.

Walmart enlists store staff for home delivery

Walmart, the nation’s largest bricks-and-mortar retailer, is launching a novel delivery service to help counter competition from online retail giant Amazon.

Does your organization have a network czar?

This is the person outside IT responsible for patrolling your servers for the many faux pas employees and their departments commit daily with online files.

Any tips on conducting an employee survey?

Q. We’re planning to do our first employee survey this year. Are there any best practices? — H.P., North Carolina

3 tips to turn line managers into your best project allies

When you want to gain approval for a new HR initiative, enlist a network of line-management allies to champion your case. It’s one of the best ways to fast-track your new program—and enhance HR’s stature within your organization.