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Strategic Planning

Encourage healthy behavior with wellness reminders


A good wellness program can spur employees to ditch unhealthy behaviors, reducing their health care costs and helping them work more productively. But that’s only if they participate. Here are four ways your organization can bolster participation by improving the way it communicates wellness to employees.

RIF or no RIF: 8 alternatives to consider before laying off staff


If your organization isn’t already planning or implementing measures to cut labor costs, it may soon have to. News that the United States has been in a recession since December 2007 suggests that HR professionals should prepare to reduce the labor burden—if only as a contingency plan.

Communicating during tough times: 7 common employee gripes (and how to respond)


The global financial meltdown has workers fearful and downright angry. If you plan on surviving the recession, your managers must acknowledge the fear and anger employees may feel. Don’t let these seven gripes pollute your workplace.

Manage absences by asking employees why they’re out


Employee absences are costing your business more than twice as much as health care, two recent surveys reveal. Cutting even a fraction of absences can have a potent impact on your organization’s bottom line—an attractive possibility in a tight economy when employers need workers to be as productive as possible.

Assess needs of employees, business before offering perks


Work/life benefits can help take the edge off employee stress during a time when people fear their jobs aren’t secure and managers are pressing workers to produce more with less. Still, it’s especially important during an economic downturn for organizations to limit benefits to those that will help them meet their bottom-line goals.

HR cost-cutting moves: Your benchmarks for surviving the meltdown


As the impact of the global economic crisis takes hold, a quarter of U.S. employers expect to make layoffs in the next 12 months. Find out how employers nationwide are hunkering down—and the HR lessons you can apply to your organization. Your goal: Do what needs to be done … without killing productivity.

New president, new Congress: 5 new employment laws could reshape HR


When Barack Obama takes office in January, get ready for the most sweeping employment-law changes the HR world has seen in years. Attorney Mike Fox walks you through the legislation likely to reshape HR, possibly even in the first 100 days of the Obama administration. Here’s how to prepare.

After the Election: How Employers Must Prepare for Political Change


When Barack Obama takes office in January, it may signal a time of enormous change for the world of labor and employment law. Depending on how many Senate seats Democrats control, here are two potential scenarios for change, the eight key legislative issues in the hopper and what you can do right now to prepare …

Don’t forget service when choosing workers’ comp carrier


HR pros should look at more than price when they’re shopping for a workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Here’s a checklist to cover with your insurance broker before selecting a carrier …

By The Numbers: Expertise walks away


Employers are dragging their feet when it comes to capturing the knowledge of soon-to-retire baby boomers …