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Strategic Planning

Big firms seeking partners that can prove staff diversity


In recent years, large corporations have begun imposing work force diversity mandates on their suppliers. As a result, midsize organizations that want to win contracts scramble to prove diversity among their staffs …

Healthy employees pay lower premiums


When Dan Dauphinee learned that a quarter of health care costs are due to unhealthy and unsafe behaviors, the operations manager made this pitch to the 140 employees of Northeastern Log Homes: Change your behavior, and we’ll cut your insurance premiums by 25 percent …

Lighten your HR load by using supervisors wisely

Say you’re part of an overworked two- or three-person HR department that struggles to keep up with basic administrative duties. Solution: Use supervisors to assist in HR, but be smart in what you choose to delegate.

The new pension reform law: What it means to you


In August, President Bush signed the Pension Protection Act of 2006, which includes many benefits-related amendments to the Internal Revenue Code and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) …

Prepare for even more disclosure of exec compensation


A federal investigation of companies that allegedly backdated employees’ stock options already involves more than 100 companies, and it has prompted the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to require more disclosure of executive pay …

Your workplace: Is it ready for an emergency?


While 88 percent of smaller businesses agree that it makes sense to have a business-continuity plan, only 39 percent actually have one, according to a new Ad Council survey …

Hold firm on raises; salaries to rise 3.5 percent in ’07


Employers report that they’ll be dishing out average pay raises of 3.5 percent for exempt and nonexempt employees in 2007, the same level that they’re currently paying in 2006, according to a new Conference Board survey of 441 companies …

New pension law creates extra duties, questions for HR


Even though some provisions of the new landmark pension law don’t take effect for 16 months, HR professionals need to start educating themselves immediately. The changes amount to the most sweeping reforms of pension law in more than 30 years …

Curb Turnover Using Job-Rotation Plan, Not Job Sharing


You know that employees who feel stalled in their careers are more inclined to quit. But how can organizations keep their workers energized and constantly training for a step up? One solution that’s gaining steam: a new breed of job-rotation program …

Put a positive face on rising employee health costs


With health insurance costs continuing to rise, you’ll likely have to tell employees (again) that they’ll shoulder more of the premium. Such news isn’t new for most employees. But they may be reaching the boiling point …