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Strategic Planning

Should you pay employees to change unhealthy behaviors?


Cash is king when it comes to wellness incentives. Studies show that the almighty dollar is the best motivator for employee participation in wellness activities, followed closely by reductions in health insurance premiums …

How to encourage enrollment in your HSA program


Wal-Mart doubled its annual health savings account (HSA) contribution for employees who enroll in high-deductible health plans for 2007. The move might be one for other organizations to consider as they try to enroll employees into HSAs to achieve better health cost savings—for both employer and employee

Planning for a pandemic flu: Is your organization prepared?


After preparing for Y2K, anthrax and hurricanes, HR and legal professionals must now turn their attention to pandemic planning …

Gain Support for HR Initiatives With Split-Sample Testing


Say you want to implement a new training program for sales reps. But every time you propose a new HR initiative like this, executives question whether it can work or say the company can’t afford it. Next time, take a different approach …

Boosting productivity makes you a true strategic player


Execs in your organization constantly look for ways to reduce labor costs and improve work force productivity to keep up with competition. Most likely, those bosses don’t ask your advice … and you don’t give it. To start playing a role in improving productivity, take the following steps

Total-Comp Statements: More Important Than Ever


Regularly remind employees of the value of your benefits package by distributing total-compensation statements every six months. Organizations that communicate such information can boost loyalty and retention, even when their benefits aren’t the very best …

Employers’ Rights in Union-Organizing Campaigns


HR Law 101: If your organization becomes the target of a union-organizing effort, keep your head. Some activities can spell disaster. Both the NLRA and the Taft-Hartley Act prohibit employers from discriminating against employees for participating in union activities ...

Workers’ Compensation Insurance


HR Law 101: Workers’ compensation insurance provides compensation to employees who are injured or disabled on the job. It pays for medical treatment, loss of wages during a period of disability and compensation for permanent disability or disfigurement …

Employee Theft


HR Law 101: Employee theft costs U.S. businesses $40 billion every year, according to estimates by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. And internal theft contributes to the failure of one in 10 U.S. businesses annually. That’s why it’s imperative for your organization to have a clearly defined anti-theft policy…

Help employees keep their work/Life resolutions


The top three New Year’s resolutions for people: 1. Strike a better balance between work and home life. 2. Exercise more. 3. Avoid bad relationships. Your organization can’t help workers avoid disastrous dates, but it can help with the first two items