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Policies / Handbooks

Organize your personnel files to minimize legal risk


THE LAW. Maintaining personnel files can be a chore, but it’s the most important element in defending against claims from employees, ex-employees and regulators …

Incremental vacation time is legal, but not best option


Q. We have salaried, exempt employees who take increments of vacation time (anywhere from one hour to seven hours at a time) instead of one full day. Is this legal? Or should they take only full-day vacation? —C.D., New Jersey

Deflect Cupid’s Arrow With Anti-Fraternization Policy


Q. We have two employees who started a relationship. One is married. The wife of the married employee came to our facility and demanded to speak with the other woman. We didn’t permit them to speak on the premises. Do we have any potential for liability in a situation like this, especially if it escalates? Can we do anything to discourage employee romances or is this strictly off-limits? —C.R., California

Even ‘harmless’ banter can create a hostile environment

Issue: A new ruling lowers the bar on what courts consider sexual harassment.
Risk: Allowing “boys to be boys”, even if they don’t target anyone for abuse, can now cost …

Don’t let ticked-off co-workers shoot the messenger (you)

Issue: How to stay calm and collected while handling complaints from angry employees.
Benefit: Deflect anger without taking the blame … or adding stress to your day …

Ask on-Leave employees to tell you when they’ll return


Q. Is it legal to require that employees on FMLA leave report to us regularly on their plans to return to work? —P.R., New York

Post all job openings in-House


Q. We typically don’t post high-level management openings internally. Should we? —K.L., California

You can require mandatory overtime


Q. A new employee has just informed his supervisor that he can’t work any overtime. Can we legally fire this person? —G.M., Virginia

Dump strict English-only policy; EEOC cracks down

Issue: Requiring employees to speak English can be legally risky.
Risk: Overly broad or misguided policies can trigger a national-origin discrimination complaint …

Update your emergency plan with these online tools

Last month’s blackout in the Northeast proved that company emergency-response plans must prepare for all types of disasters. Here are some online sources to help you review your plan: the Society …