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HR Management

Houston manufacturer settles bias lawsuit with 78 employees


A federal district court judge in Texas recently approved a settlement to resolve allegations of national-origin discrimination against QuietFlex Manufacturing Co …

Seek Written OK for Internal-Complaint Resolutions


The aim of any good harassment policy is to stop problems before they turn into a litigation nightmare. Reaching a compromise early, even when you aren’t convinced anything illegal has happened, makes sense if that settlement doesn’t lead to a retaliation lawsuit later

Allow accusers to bypass supervisor to file complaints


A sexual harassment policy is worthless unless it clues in those who really need to know what’s going on at the shop level. Don’t think you’re in the clear just because you have a policy and tell supervisors to stamp out harassment …

NYC firefighters’ burning issue: Is a Locker ‘Private Space’?


Responding to complaints about pornographic and hostile messages displayed on firefighters’ lockers, the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) asked superior officers to oversee the removal of all offensive materials …

Workplace rules can be flexible … if enforced fairly


When it comes to creating workplace rules, don’t think you have to spell out every last detail. It’s OK to leave some rules intentionally vague, so you’ll have some wiggle room. Just be sure to exercise your discretion fairly …

Help employees keep their work/Life resolutions


The top three New Year’s resolutions for people: 1. Strike a better balance between work and home life. 2. Exercise more. 3. Avoid bad relationships. Your organization can’t help workers avoid disastrous dates, but it can help with the first two items

How to comply with state’s new Mental Health Parity Law


Shortly before leaving office, Gov. Pataki signed New York’s Mental Health Parity Law, which requires insurers to provide mental health benefits in all health insurance policies issued in the state …

How to handle disabled applicants who bring a ‘Job coach’ to the interview


In many states, vocational programs pair disabled residents with “job coaches,” who help them find appropriate work and adapt to those jobs. Since the ADA also requires employers to make reasonable accommodations during the hiring process, make sure job coaches are welcome in your interviews

Employees injured during horseplay at work may be entitled to workers’ comp benefits


Florida employers ordinarily don’t have to pay workers’ compensation benefits for employees who are hurt while engaging in horseplay. But that provision doesn’t provide much protection when workers’ comp judges split hairs over what’s technically off-duty horseplay and what’s just a momentary deviation from job duties

KKK videos and swastikas cause AK Steel Corp. to lose bias suit


AK Steel Corp. will pay $600,000 to seven black employees and an employee’s estate to settle a hostile environment case at its Butler facility …