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HR Management

Want to project ‘Younger’ image? Beware age-Bias risks


If your organization aims to attract a younger, more hip clientele, watch how you convey that idea to employees who don’t fit your target demographic …

To prevent retaliation claim, check back within weeks following employee’s complaint


Employees who come to HR with discrimination complaints may already have talked to a lawyer. They may be building a case and just waiting for someone to make a mistake. It’s your job to make sure that doesn’t happen …

Ignoring Harassment Policy Can Lead to Double-Trouble


Texas employees and their attorneys have found a way around the federal caps on damages in sexual-harassment cases. Instead of going to federal court, plaintiffs sue in Texas state courts under the Texas Labor Code and add claims of negligent hiring, retention and supervision

Seminary President Faces Suit Over ‘No-Women-in-Charge’ Rule


Dr. Sheri Klouda taught biblical Hebrew at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth for seven years. Her tenure-track position, however, apparently derailed when a new president took over the seminary …

It’s harder for staff to block discipline using ‘Junk’ claims


The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) makes it illegal to retaliate against employees simply because they’ve filed a discrimination complaint. Employees know this law. So, all too often, employees who are having trouble at work file an internal complaint as a preemptive strike

Make sure absence policy doesn’t clash with FMLA


Warning: If you terminate employees who take more than 12 weeks off in a given period, you may be violating the FMLA even if you allow employees their full FMLA allotment of 12 weeks unpaid leave …

The fine line between humor and harassment in Passaic County


How do you know where to draw the line between workplace humor and harassment? The answer: You don’t get to make that choice. Harassment, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. And it begins when somebody decides they’ve had enough of the “jokes”

Should you be allowed to ban guns from employees’ cars?


The Georgia House and Senate once again are considering bills that would prohibit employers from banning guns from company parking lots …

You can ban employee smoking, but can you ban smokers?


Employers are always looking for ways to cut health care costs … and smoking and overweight employees may seem like ripe targets for change …

Swift response is key to derailing harassment claim


When a co-worker launches a harassment campaign, you must act fast or risk a hostile-environment lawsuit. That means all your managers must know the drill to follow the moment they get wind of harassment