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HR Management

Train managers to act immediately on leave requests


Unless you train supervisors and managers to forward all FMLA requests immediately to the HR office, you may find your organization on the losing end of a lawsuit for interfering with an employee’s right to take medical leave …

Train managers to adopt poker face when facing complaint


To avoid triggering retaliation lawsuits, train managers and supervisors on how to react to a complaint. First and foremost, explain that all complaints should be received professionally and without any apparent display of disappointment or emotion. Remind them: No comment allowed

FCRA Is the Ticket to a Jury Trial for HIV-Positive Employees


Florida’s courts have expanded protection for HIV-positive employees under the Florida Civil Rights Act. At first glance, the law appears to be a state version of Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act and the ADA all rolled into one. But state court interpretation of the act may grant Florida employees protections they don’t have under federal law

Pay for training time


Q. If our organization offers voluntary training to our employees and the training takes place during their lunch hour, do we have to pay the employees for the time spent attending the training? 

Train managers and supervisors: No humiliation allowed


While some may think it’s all in good fun, no employee should be the butt of bad jokes or other potentially embarrassing and humiliating conduct. Once started, such behavior often takes on a life of its own. It then becomes difficult to stop …

What to expect from New York’s new Workers’ Comp Reform law


Although the Workers’ Compensation Reform bill recently signed into law provides just a skeletal outline of what New York’s workers’ comp program will one day look like, both business and labor groups are cautiously optimistic …

Georgia State Health Benefits Plan battles with program vendor


Two-and-a-half years and $7.2 million into its contract with New York-based Vitech Systems Group, an employee benefits system provider, the state of Georgia is looking for a refund …

Clients must repay taxes after payroll company commits fraud


Stephen Taylor of Canton, co-owner of Marietta-based 20/20 Payroll Solutions, pleaded guilty to stealing $4 million in employee taxes from more than 100 clients during the past two years …

Cigna fined for steering employers wrong on HMO changes


The New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance has fined Cigna HealthCare of New Jersey and Connecticut General Life $2.1 million for deceiving employers, and ordered Cigna to restore better coverage to 2,123 small businesses

Big ruling: Supreme Court limits scope of pay-discrimination lawsuits


The U.S. Supreme Court handed employers a major victory this week by clarifying that workers who claim pay discrimination must file their complaints within 180 days of the alleged offense. But this ruling could, in the short run, lead to a spike in pay-bias claims.